English grammar - Roger Berry 2012
Section A. Introduction
A1 Approaches to grammar
A1.1 The trouble with ‘grammar’
A2 Nouns
A2.2 Number: singular and plural
A3 Noun phrases and determiners
A4 Adjectives, adverbs and prepositions
A5 Verbs and their forms
A5.2 Finite forms vs non-finite forms
A6 Auxiliaries and the verb phrase
A7 Varying the verb phrase
A7.1 Negatives and interrogatives
A7.3 Combinations of negatives and interrogatives
A8 Clauses and clause elements
A9 Types of sentence
A9.3 Conjunctions and subordinators
A10 Subordinate clauses
A10.1 Finite subordinate clauses
A11 Redesigning sentences
A11.2 Reasons for redesigning sentences: three principles
A11.3 Techniques for redesigning sentences
A12 Grammar in speech and writing
A12.3 Basic differences: intonation and punctuation
A12.4 Some tendencies in spoken English
Section B Development
B1 Word classes
B1.2 Open and closed word classes
B1.3 Formal and notional approaches to defining word classes
B1.4 Problems with word classes
B2 Pronouns
B2.3 Problems with personal pronouns
B3 Articles
B3.4 The definite article: specific uses
B3.5 The definite article: other uses
B3.6 Generalising with noun phrases
B4 Types of adverb
B4.1 Distinguishing adverb types
B5 The meanings of tense and aspect
B5.1 The ‘meanings’ of the tenses
B5.3 Stative and non-stative verbs
B6 Modal auxiliaries
B7 Multi-word verbs
B7.1 Multi-word and single-word verbs
B7.2 Distinguishing phrasal and prepositional verbs
B7.3 Phrasal verbs with a pronoun as object
B7.4 Phrasal-prepositional verbs
B8 Verb patterns
B9 Clause types
B10 Relative clauses
B10.2 The position and word order of relative clauses
B10.3 The formation of relative clauses
B11 Beyond and beneath the sentence
B11.1 Grammar beyond the sentence
B11.2 Grammar beneath the sentence
B12 Reporting
B12.1 Direct and reported speech
Section C Exploration
C1 Words with multiple word-class membership
C2 Nouns which can be both count and noncount
C3 Usage problems with determiners
C4 The comparison of adjectives
C4.1 Identifying phrasal comparison
C4.2 Examining the rules for comparison
C5 Distinguishing -Ing and -Ed forms
C5.1 Distinguishing the word class of -ing forms
C5.2 Distinguishing the word class of -ed forms
C6 Verbs which can be transitive and intransitive
C8 Analysing clauses
C8.1 Analysing clause patterns
C11 Exploring texts (3): Putting it all together
Section D Extension
D1 What is grammar?
D2 Count and mass nouns
D3 Determiners: a class apart
D4 Prepositions and space
D5 Future time - A summary
D6 Hedging and boosting
Ronald Carter and Michael McCarthy
D7 Words and phrases
D8 Semantic roles of the subject
D9 Speech acts
Ronald Carter and Michael McCarthy
D10 Conditionals
D12 Grammar in the construction of online discussion messages