
Grammar rhymes - Joanna Zaranska 1997


This little baby CAN sleep and cry.

This little birdie CAN tweet and fly.

This old professor CAN speak Chinese.

This man from Holland CAN make good cheese.


This strong footballer CAN kick a ball.

This crafty builder CAN build a wall.

This pretty actress CAN dance and sing.

This big mosquito CAN buzz and sting.



She CAN speak English.

He CAN make rhymes

or say tongue-twisters

a hundred times!



I can jump a rope.

You can make a rhyme.

He can juggle balls.

It can tell the time.

You can sing a song.

We can read and write.

You can draw a bear.

They can see at night.



Can I jump a rope?

Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.

Can you make a rhyme?

Yes, you can.

No, you can't.

Can he juggle balls?

Yes, he can.

No, he can’t.

Can it tell the time?

Yes, it can.

No, it can't.

Can she sing a song?

Yes, she can.

No. she can’t.

Can we read and write?

Yes, we can.

No, we can’t.

Can you draw a bear?

Yes, you can.

No, you can't.

Can they see at night?

Yes, they can.

No, they can’t.


I cannot jump a rope.

I can’t jump a rope.

You cannot make a rhyme.

You can’t make a rhyme.

He cannot juggle balls.

He can't juggle balls.

it cannot tell the time.

It can’t tell the time.

She cannot sing a song.

She can't sing a song.

We cannot read and write.

We can’t read and write.

You cannot draw a bear.

You can't draw a bear.

They cannot see at night.

They can't see at night.


CAN относится к особым глаголам.

Формы этого глагола одинаковы во всех лицах.

В вопросах CAN “перепрыгивает” на место перед подлежащим, напр.:

You саn make a rhyme. Can you make a rhyme?

В отрицательных предложениях после CAN мы ставим NOT.

Обратите внимание на написание: CANNOT, напр.:

She саn sing a song. She cannot/can’t sing a song.

Task 1

Зашипи пропуски при помощи следующих слов: steer, lift, make, have, fly, brush.


Task 2

Дополни стишок следующими словами: wine, shoe, heaven, roar, weight, pen, dive, kick, free, run.


Task 3

Вставь can или can’t. Соедини картинки при помощи цифр.

1. It can shine, but it can’t talk.

2. It ... swim, but it ... walk.

3. It ... flow, but it ... stop.

4. It ... run, but it ... hop.

5. It ... play, but it ... sing.

6. It ... tell you anything.

7. It ... show you if you’re ill.

8. It ... jump - it ... stand still.




