Chapter Two: Exercise

Advanced everyday english: Advanced vocabulary, phrasal verbs, idioms and expressions - Collins Steven 2011

Chapter Two: Exercise

Choosethe correct word from those in red

Answers on page 133

I. a(Down-to-earth/Deep down/Boiled down/The gist) I knew, even before these facts b(shrugged off/blew over/drew in/сате to light), that he hadn’t been C(complying with/asking after/nipping in the bud/jumping on the bandwagon with) the regulations..

2. There’s no need to a(miss the boatlblow over/sulk/draw it out) just because you lost a tennis match to the class b(cocky/gist/wimp/last straw).

3. Mum was a(missing out/asking after/writing off/weighing up) you yesterday. She does realise that you b(have a lot on your plate /missed the boat/nipped it in the bud/have been outnumbered at the moment.

4. The a(stumbling blоск/warrant/gist/last straw) of what he was saying is that if we b(miss the boatlboil it down/write it off/nip it in the bud) now, we will be in a better position to deal with any c(stumbling blocks/foregone conclusions/blue moons/low profiles) that may arise later on.

5. a(By no stretch of the imagination/Deep down/Weighing everything up/Keeping a low profile) could it be said that it was an amazing concert. Mind you, you did b(blow over/go over the top/jump on the bandwagon/miss out on) seeing a fantastic drummer.

6. When she a(hid onlwrote off/blew over/missed out on) my beloved car, it was the b(final straw/gist/warrant/foregone conclusion).After c(asking after everyone/laying everything on/ weighing everything up/having a lot on my plate), I decided to go back home and live with my parents.

7. a(By no stretch of the imagination/Once in a blue moon/Keeping a low profile/Deep down) we win a match on penalties, but it all b(complies with/lays on/boils down/blows over) to luck in the end.

8. Even though he’s worth millions, he’s a very a(down-to-earth/over-the-top/drawn-out/cocky) guy who likes to b(shrug it off/nip it in the bud/miss the boat/keep a low profile).

9. Our lecturer painfully a(drew in/drew out/weighed up/missed out) the seminar to two hours. We told him what we thought of this, but he just b(complied with it/laid it on/shrugged it off/blew it over) with a smile.

10. My wife and I thought that, as we lived on an island where men are a(outnumbered/blown over/missed out/drawn in) by women 10 to I, our 31-year-old daughter, Sara, would more than likely b(climb on the bandwagon/weigh it up/соте to light/miss the boat). Fortunately, our fears were not c(outnumbered/warranted/down-to-earth/a foregone conclusion), as she got married last Monica!

11. As the nights are a(drawing out/blowing over/drawing in/missing out), we have decided to b(lay on/comply with/write off/shrug out), extra buses and trains so that everyone can get home quickly and safely.

12. It’s a a(stumbling block/foregone conclusion/last straw/missed boat) that we are all going to end up rowing with each other this holiday. Mum will go totally b(on the last straw /low profile/drawn-out/over the top), as she always does. But it will all c(blow over/ask after/be up in the air/weigh up) by the time we go home.

13. These days in London everybody seems to be a(missing the boat/nipping it in the bud/ jumping on the bandwagon/getting touchy) and opening a shop selling gone-off fruit and ridiculously expensive tiny pieces of dry cake. You can see that this is not my favourite city b(being outnumbered/by any stretch of the imagination/keeping a low profile/deep down).