Choose the correct word from those in red - Chapter Seven: Exercise

Advanced everyday english: Advanced vocabulary, phrasal verbs, idioms and expressions - Collins Steven 2011

Choose the correct word from those in red
Chapter Seven: Exercise

Answers on page 134

I. A: Don't you think it’s about time you a(embarked on/curbed/dabbled/headed off) your drinking habit? You’ve already lost your job because of it when you got b(paralytic flourished I sceptical/spoken for) last month.

B: OK, OK. You don’t have to C(ccrape the barrel/go over my head/rub it in/bang your head against a brick wall).

2. On reflection, I’m not sure why we a(dabbled/embarked on/curbed/envisaged) this course of action. I’m now rather b(deprived/flourished/bolshy/sceptical) as to whether all the time and effort we’ve put in has been worth it.

3. A: I’ve got my eye on him. He’s not what he seems you know; he’s quite a a(dark horse/ whinger/bolshy/dabbler).

B: Sorry to b(envisage you/sap you/deprive you/rub you in) of a new man, but he’s well and truly C(curbed/spoken for/thriving/in turmoil). I saw him first!

4. If you think I’m going to let that a(dark horse/whinger/paralytic/bolshy) woman boss me around all day..b(it will go over my head/you are scraping the barrel/you’ve got another think coming/l will turn over a new leaf). She c(thrives on/embarks on/deprives of/curbs) giving out orders.

5. My daughter is struggling in her French class, but I’m not going to a(scrape the barrel/make a song and dance about it/go over her head/turn over a new leaf).The last thing I want to do is b(sap/deprive/curb/thrive) her confidence. She’s c(sapping/heading off/dabbling/ flourishing) in all her other subjects.

6. Somehow, I can’t a(curb/envisage/embark/dabble) you living in the countryside. Before long, you’d be b(flourishing/thriving/whingeing/cashing in) about the boring night life.

7. How she could possibly think that he’s the right man for the job a(goes over my head/ beggars belief/gives me a taste of my own medicine/heads me off). She’s unaware of it, but she really is b(beggaring belief/turning over a new leaf/going over his head/scraping the barrel) employing that wimp. One day I’m going to put a useless person in her department just to c(give her a taste of her own medicine/scrape the barrel/deprive her/go over her head).

8. She a(dabbles/embarks/thrives/cashes) in witchcraft and black magic, which has caused a b(whinge/turmoil/rifi/flourish) with her husband. He has pleaded with her to stop, but feels it’s like c(turning over a new leaf/scraping the barrel/banging his head against a brick wall/ making a song and dance about it).

9. When a buffet lunch I always a(turn over a new leaf/make a beeline/rub it in/cash in) for the sandwiches.Then I have to try everything else on offer, even if it makes me ill. I’m a real b(whinger/paralytic/dabbler/sucker for punishment).

10. My husband has assured me that since the beginning of the year he has a(turned over a new leaf/bowed to pressure/given me a taste of my own medicine/made a beeline) and will now listen to me attentively. But deep down, I know all the instructions I give him will b(scrape the barrel/head off/beggar belief/go over his head).

11. The President must devise a plan to a(bow to pressure/sap/head off/deprive) a citizens’ revolution, otherwise the country will be plunged into b(rift/turmoil/deprivation/thriving).

12. Many manufacturers in the UK have a(made a beeline/embarked on/rubbed it in/cashed in on) the devalued pound to increase sales of their goods abroad. This devaluation was brought about by the Government having b(beggared belief/bowed to pressure/flourished/ scraped the barrel) from prominent businessmen.