Choose the correct word from those in red - Chapter Nine: Exercise

Advanced everyday english: Advanced vocabulary, phrasal verbs, idioms and expressions - Collins Steven 2011

Choose the correct word from those in red
Chapter Nine: Exercise

Answers on page 134

1. Breaking even was a(resented/deemed/alleged/endeared) to be impossible this year, but my b(gut reaction/embellishment/resentfulness/plight) was that we were always going to make it.

2. I really enjoy all the a(otbursts/apathy/banter/fun) with the lads at work. b(Resenting/ Consoling/Getting a bee in our bonnets/Ad-libbing) is something that comes as second nature to us guys.

3. Even though I had a(psyched myself up/consoled myself/deemed it necessary/endeared myself) for a massive row with my parents, in the end I decided I didn’t want to get b(shattered/embroiled/consoled/resented) in their marital problems.

4. Unfortunately, the company has been a(shattered/doomed/staved off/blurrec ) since the beginning of last year. The fact that their products were still selling was no b(b anter/ outburst/consolation/gut reaction) to the staff who all had to be laid off.

5. The play a(ad-libbed/continued/stood/lingered) on seemingly without an end, and the audience became more and more bfipathetic/endearing/blurred/hopefi I) towards what was happening onstage.

6. a(ln total/Nevertheless/Alleged/Overall), the medical profession agree with the proposed changes to patient care, but they do b(are hopeful of/stave off/resent/psych themselves up to) interference from politicians. Just because they may come across the occasional bad doctor, it doesn’t entitle them to c(tareveryone with the same brush/have a bee in their bonnet/browse/be flawed).

7. When it was a(accused/alleged/resented/embellishe d) that he had done something b(untoward/endearing/hopeful/apatheti:), he was absolutely c(hampered/blurred/ shattered/embroiled).

8. John not being drunk last week was just a a(consolation/banter/blip/outburst). He’s usually paralytic by 2pm everyday, and from then on everything else becomes a b(nopeful/blurred/ deemed/embroiled) memory.

9. I must admit I was surprised by her sudden a(gut reaction/consolation/outburst/ embellishment) today, even though I knew she had a b(\:rait/banter/bee in her bonnet/ consolation) about the way things are being run.

10. I’m quite a(i ductant/apathetic/hopeful/hampereJ) that we will be able to b(asych ourselves up for/shatter/resent/stave off) bankruptcy for at least another year.

11. A: If you could a(console/resent/ad-lib/put in a good word) for my daughter, I’d be most grateful.

B: With pleasure, but I don’t think it will be necessary with the b(endearing/resentful/ browsing/untoward) qualities she has already shown she has.

12. In this business we often find customers are a(hopeful/prone/deemed/apathetic) to b(endearing/embellishing/browsing/blurring) with absolutely no intention of buying anything.

13. As the defendant began to a(embellish/resent/blur/linger) his story to the court, it became clear to those of us in the jury that he hadn’t b(put in a good word/got a leg to stand onl any consolationlany banter).

14. The architect said that the project was a(hampered/resented/staved off/shattered) by appalling weather conditions. However, I honestly believe his plans were b(ad-libbed/ flawed/untoward/endearing) from the very beginning.