How to use this book

Painless Reading Comprehension - Darolyn “Lyn” Jones Ed.D. 2021

How to use this book

Painless reading comprehension? Impossible, you think. Not really. Reading is easy . . . or at least it can be with the help of this book!

Each one of you uses a different collection of tools to do what you need to do to learn. The trick is figuring out what tools work. In this book, I provide you with many tools. Try them all out, and see which ones work for you! If they work, add them to your toolbox, and use them when you read. Don’t be afraid. Dive in—it’s painless!

Painless Icons and Features

This book is designed with several unique features to help make reading comprehension easy.


You will see Painless Tips throughout the book. These include helpful tips, hints, and strategies on the surrounding topics.

imagesCAUTION—Major Mistake Territory!

Caution boxes will help you avoid common pitfalls or mistakes. Be sure to read them carefully.


There are Brain Ticklers throughout the book. These quizzes are designed to make sure you understand what you’ve just learned and to test your progress as you move forward in the chapter. Complete all the Brain Ticklers and check your answers. If you get any wrong, make sure to go back and review the topics associated with the questions you missed.


There are examples and reading passages throughout the book to help you improve your reading strategies and comprehension.


These shaded boxes contain extra information that relates to the surrounding topics. Sidebars can include strategies, detailed examples, and more to help keep reading comprehension interesting and painless.