Mexico, Land of Corn - Interesting Places

Document-Based Questions - Debra J. Housel, M.S. Ed. 2008

Mexico, Land of Corn
Interesting Places

Corn was first cultivated in Mexico around 7000 B.C. This means that people grew corn and harvested it. Planting crops changed the world. No longer did people have to wander around looking for food. They started towns. Farming let people make civilizations. The Aztecs and Maya were two tribes that built big cities. Both had calendars, counting systems, and writing.

Planting crops spread to area islands. Christopher Columbus found corn on one of them. He brought it back to Europe. Back then, Europe had famines (lack of food). During those times people starved. Planting corn helped to end this problem. Now corn is grown around the world. Based on number of acres, it is the second largest crop on Earth. Mexico has one of the biggest harvests.

In 1325, the Aztecs built the city of Tenochtitlan in Mexico. It had step pyramids and straight streets. Canals let people move things from one city to another. It was a busy place. Then the Spanish came. In 1519 they fought the Aztecs. The city ended up in rubble. Nearby Native American tribes disliked the strong Aztecs. So they helped the Spanish to win the war by 1521. But after the Spanish won, they enslaved their allies! The Spanish also brought diseases. Sickness killed half of all Mexicans within 30 years. Europeans had lived with smallpox for hundreds of years. They had immunity. But the Native Americans had never been exposed before.

Spain ruled Mexico for over 300 years. The Mexicans revolted in 1862. They regained power. They celebrate each Cinco de Mayo (May 5). They are free. But most of them are poor. Each year millions of them cross the Rio Grande. They come to the United States. They take jobs as farm workers and servants. Now Mexico City stands on the ruins of Tenochtitlan. This city has more people than many nations. Nearly 25 percent of all Mexicans live there.

Mexico, Land of Corn

Mexico, Land of Corn

1. Something that both the Maya and the Aztecs did not have was

a. immunity to smallpox.

b. a counting system.

c. a form of writing.

d. a calendar.

2. The city that first stood where Mexico City is now was named

a. Rio Grande.

b. Tenochtitlan.

c. Cinco de Mayo.

d. Maya.

3. Who controlled Mexico for over three centuries?

a. the Canadians

b. the Americans

c. the English

d. the Spanish

4. Mexico City is not a large city. True or False? Explain.

5. According to the ad, on what station and when could you watch a show about the nation of Mexico?

6. Would you like to watch the television show about Mexico? Why or why not?