Weird, Strange, and Unbelievable - Organizing Ideas - Part 1. Finding and Developing Ideas for Writing

Exploring Writing - Gary Robert Muschla 2011

Weird, Strange, and Unbelievable
Organizing Ideas
Part 1. Finding and Developing Ideas for Writing

1.83 UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects)

Directions: Many people claim they have seen UFOs and beings from other planets. Answer the questions; then write an article sharing your feelings about UFOs. Be sure to include an opening, body, and closing in your writing. Support your ideas with details and examples.

1. Have you ever seen a UFO? If yes, where and when?

2. Describe the UFO you saw.

3. If you have not seen a UFO, do you believe they exist? Explain.

4. Do you believe that life exists on other planets? If yes, explain why.

5. Do you believe beings from other planets have visited Earth? Explain.

6. If you do not believe that UFOs exist or that intelligent beings may live on other planets, explain why.

1.84 Unexplained!

Directions: Everybody has seen or heard about strange events that cannot be explained. Answer the questions; then write about an unexplained event you have seen or heard about. Remember to include an opening, body, and closing in your writing. Support your ideas with details and examples.

1. What was the event?

2. Where and when did it happen?

3. Who was with you?

4. Describe the event.

5. How did you, or others, try to explain what happened?

6. Why did the event remain unexplained?

1.85 Nightmare!

Directions: Everybody has nightmares. Some nightmares can be so scary that we wake up in the night with our hearts pounding. Answer the questions and write about your scariest nightmare. Be sure to include an opening, body, and closing in your writing. Support your ideas with details and examples.

1. Who is in your nightmare?

2. Where are you in your nightmare?

3. Describe the setting of your nightmare.

4. Describe what happens in your nightmare.

5. Do you wake up during your nightmare? If yes, how do you feel?

6. Are you afraid to go back to sleep after waking up? Why?

1.86 Do You Believe in Magic?

Directions: Imagine being given magic powers, but your powers will allow you to cast only one magic spell. Answer the questions and write a story about your magic power. Create interesting characters, an exciting plot, and a climax for your story.

1. Name and describe the characters in your story.

2. Where and when does the story take place?

3. How did you receive your magic powers?

4. What one act of magic do you perform?

5. Why do you perform this act?

6. What happens after you perform your magic?

1.87 It’s a Dog’s Life

Directions: Imagine if your dog, or another animal who knows you, could read and write. Now imagine if your dog kept a diary. Answer the questions and write a diary entry as if the entry had been written by your dog. Be sure to include great details in your writing.

1. Describe what your dog sees throughout the day.

2. Describe what your dog hears throughout the day.

3. Describe what your dog does most of the day.

4. Describe what the best part of your dog’s day is.

5. Describe what the worst part of your dog’s day is.

6. Describe what your dog would say about you in the diary.

1.88 Reporter in the Past

Directions: Imagine that you are a reporter living in the past. You are writing about an important event that happened. Answer the questions and write an article about this event. Be sure to include an opening, body, and closing in your writing. Support your ideas with details and examples.

1. What event are you writing about?

2. When did this event take place?

3. Where did it take place?

4. Who was involved in the event?

5. Describe the event.

6. Why did the event happen?

7. What happened after the event?

1.89 Coming Disaster

Directions: Imagine that you wake up one day with a feeling that a disaster is about to happen—and only you can stop it! Answer the questions and write a story of how you try to prevent this disaster. Create interesting characters, an exciting plot, and a climax for your story.

1. Where and when does your story take place?

2. Name and describe the main characters in your story.

3. Describe the disaster that is about to happen.

4. What will you do to stop the disaster?

5. Are you successful? Why or why not?

1.90 Extraterrestrials in My School

Directions: Imagine that extraterrestrials, beings from another planet, have come to Earth. They are friendly and wish to learn about us. Some extraterrestrial students are visiting your school. You have been asked to show them around. Answer the questions and write a story about the extraterrestrials in your school. Create interesting characters, an exciting plot, and a climax for your story.

1. Name and describe the extraterrestrials who come to your school.

2. Where did the extraterrestrials come from?

3. Name and describe the human characters in your story.

4. Why were you chosen to show the extraterrestrials around?

5. What did you show them?

6. What did they find most interesting about your school?

1.91 Video Game Hero

Directions: Think of your favorite video game. Imagine you are the star character of the game. Answer the questions and write a story about being a hero in a video game. Create interesting characters, an exciting plot, and a climax for your story.

1. What is the name of the video game?

2. Describe the setting of the game.

3. Name and describe the main characters in the game.

4. Describe the purpose of the game.

5. Describe your attempts to win the game.

6. How do your opponents try to stop you?

7. Do you win the game? Explain.

1.92 Oh, No! Enchanted!

Directions: Imagine that an evil witch casts a spell on you. This spell forces you to say whatever you are thinking. Answer the questions and write a story about this terrible spell. Create interesting characters, an exciting plot, and a climax for your story.

1. Name and describe the main characters in your story.

2. Where and when does the story take place?

3. How did you become enchanted?

4. When did you realize you were enchanted?

5. Describe how the spell got you in trouble.

6. How did you manage to break the spell?

1.93 Me—Home Alone

Directions: Imagine being home alone at night and hearing strange, frightening sounds. Answer the questions and write a story about being home alone. Create interesting characters, an exciting plot, and a climax for your story.

1. When were you home alone?

2. Why were you home alone?

3. What were you doing when you first heard the strange, frightening sounds?

4. Where did the sounds come from?

5. Describe the sounds.

6. Describe your feelings when you heard the sounds.

7. What did you do after hearing the sounds?

8. Did you find out what was making the sounds? Explain.

1.94 A Big Switch

Directions: Imagine that you could switch places with a plant or an animal for a day. You would become that plant or animal for twenty-four hours. Answer the questions and write a story about your experience. Create interesting characters, an exciting plot, and a climax for your story.

1. What plant or animal would you switch places with? Why?

2. Where would you be after switching places?

3. Describe your “new” self.

4. Describe what you would see, hear, feel, smell, and taste.

5. What would be the strangest thing about switching places?

1.95 Super Running Shoes

Directions: Imagine that you were given a pair of running shoes that made you the fastest runner in the world. Answer the questions and write a story about these super running shoes. Create interesting characters, an exciting plot, and a climax for your story.

1. Name and describe the characters in your story.

2. Where and when does this story take place?

3. Who gave you the running shoes?

4. Why did this person give them to you?

5. How did you discover their super speed?

6. What did you do after you learned about their speed?

7. What eventually happened to the super running shoes?

1.96 Back to the Past

Directions: Imagine being able to go back to last year knowing everything you know now. Answer the questions and write a story about returning to the past. Create interesting characters, an exciting plot, and a climax for your story.

1. Name and describe the main characters of your story.

2. How do you return to the past?

3. Describe the past you return to.

4. Knowing the things you know now, would you change anything in the past? If yes, what? If no, why not?

5. Would any changes you made in the past change the present? Explain.

1.97 Talking Teddy

Directions: Imagine a teddy bear, or another stuffed animal, suddenly beginning to talk. Answer the questions and write a story about this talking stuffed animal. Create interesting characters, an exciting plot, and a climax for your story.

1. Describe the stuffed animal.

2. When does it begin to talk?

3. Why does it begin to talk?

4. What does it say?

5. What do you do when it begins to talk?

6. Does anyone else know the stuffed animal can talk?

7. Do you tell anyone about the talking stuffed animal? Explain.

8. Does the stuffed animal eventually stop talking? Explain.

1.98 Fantasy Pet

Directions: Imagine being able to have a fantasy pet—for example, a dragon, a unicorn, or a giant eagle you can fly on. Answer the questions and write a story about your fantasy pet. Create interesting characters, an exciting plot, and a climax for your story.

1. Name and describe your fantasy pet.

2. Name and describe the main characters in your story.

3. Where and when does the story take place?

4. How did you get your fantasy pet?

5. What do you and your fantasy pet do together?

1.99 Ancient Artifact

Directions: An artifact is an object produced long ago. For example, it might be a very old coin, tool, or ring. Imagine that you are exploring a cave and you find an ancient artifact. Answer the questions; then write a story about this artifact and its special powers. Create interesting characters, an exciting plot, and a climax for your story.

1. Name and describe the main characters in your story.

2. Where and when does this story take place?

3. Describe the artifact you find.

4. What are its special powers?

5. How do you learn of these powers?

6. What happens after you learn of its powers?

7. Do you keep the artifact? Or do you return it to the cave so that no one else can find it? Explain.

1.100 Invisible Me

Directions: Imagine that you gain the power to make yourself invisible. But this power lasts only a day. Answer the questions and write a story about when you were invisible. Create interesting characters, an exciting plot, and a climax for your story.

1. Name and describe the main characters in your story.

2. Where and when does this story take place?

3. How do you gain the power to become invisible?

4. How do you feel when you are invisible?

5. Describe what you do when you are invisible.

6. Does anyone know about your power? Explain.

7. What happens when your power begins to weaken?