Discovering Ideas - Part 1. Finding and Developing Ideas for Writing

Exploring Writing - Gary Robert Muschla 2011

Discovering Ideas
Part 1. Finding and Developing Ideas for Writing

Good writing begins with a good idea. Without an interesting idea, even the most skillful writing will result in a weak piece. At best, the reader will plod through such a piece. At worst, he or she will quickly put the piece aside.

Aware of the importance of ideas, professional authors spend a lot of effort and time identifying, developing, researching, and organizing ideas before they begin writing. They understand that if they start writing with fuzzy, unclear ideas, they will write with little focus or direction.

This is why it is so important that you learn how to discover and develop ideas for writing. Fresh ideas are the raw materials that build the foundation of clear expression.

Discovering Ideas

You have many ideas that can be the foundation of solid writing. But you may not know how to find these ideas. You may not recognize how ideas are interrelated and how an idea can be expanded and refined into new ideas that can become interesting pieces.

To find ideas for writing, you need to realize that you have countless ideas within yourself. Through reflection, imagination, and hard work, you can find much to write about. The starting point is personal experience.