Exercise 1.5 Brainstorming via a Word Web - Developing Ideas - Part 1. Finding and Developing Ideas for Writing

Exploring Writing - Gary Robert Muschla 2011

Exercise 1.5 Brainstorming via a Word Web
Developing Ideas
Part 1. Finding and Developing Ideas for Writing

Creating a word web can help you identify, expand, and develop ideas for writing. Write the topic “School Lunchroom” in the middle of a blank paper. (If you wish, choose a topic of your own.)

Think about ideas related to the school lunchroom. You might think of ideas such as the following: noisy, fun, mystery food, recess, seeing friends, talking with friends, not much time to eat, and so on. Write the ideas down. Use a line to connect ideas that stem from other ideas. Write quickly and do not pause to think about ideas now. The goal of brainstorming is to uncover as many related ideas as possible and expand the original idea.

When you are done, review the ideas you write down. Some of the ideas on the word web will probably not be used in writing, but others will. Sometimes a web will lead to an entirely new idea that may then lead to a new web and more new ideas for writing.

Not every writer uses word webs for the development of ideas, but many do. Brainstormed word webs can help you expand ideas into fresh possibilities for writing.

Researching is yet another way you can develop ideas for writing. Along with traditional print sources, the Internet provides writers with resources for finding information on countless topics. Before the development of the Internet, writers often had to conduct hours of research to find information on some topics. Even then, they might not be able to find what they needed. Today, writers often find too much information.

Although the Internet can be helpful for developing writing topics, anyone can post information on the World Wide Web. Not all of the information you will find will be correct or useful. To reduce the chances of finding invalid data, research reputable sites, which include the sites of government agencies, major organizations, and universities. Fortunately, many of the best sites often are listed first when doing a search.

To search for information on the Internet, use key terms. Using key terms directs search engines to sites you will find useful. The terms you would use for looking up information in an encyclopedia or other reference book will result in accurate results with most Internet search engines. Having a focused topic will help you keep on track during research, and can help keep you from finding huge amounts of useless information.