End of the Revolutionary War - Apostrophes - Punctuation and capitalization

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

End of the Revolutionary War
Punctuation and capitalization

The last major battle of the Revolutionary War was fought in Virginia. At what place was this battle fought?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. If the apostrophes are used correctly, write the letter for correct in the space above the sentence number at the bottom of the page. If an apostrophe is used incorrectly or is missing, write the letter for incorrect. You will need to reverse the letters.

1. British troops’ fought American patriots’ in the Revolutionary War.

W. Correct

R. Incorrect

2. The Americans’ fought bravely for independence.

K. Correct

N. Incorrect

3. England’s king didn’t expect the colonists to rebel.

O. Correct

E. Incorrect

4. The colonies’ leaders signed the Declaration of Independence.

K. Correct

N. Incorrect

5. George Washington was the colonial army’s general.

T. Correct

Y. Incorrect

6. The British couldn’t destroy the patriots desire for liberty.

E. Correct

O. Incorrect

7. The war lasted for many year’s.

N. Correct

Y. Incorrect

8. The war’s last major battle was fought in Virginia in 1781.

W. Correct

R. Incorrect
