American Flag Maker - Subjects and predicates - Sentences

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

American Flag Maker
Subjects and predicates

Many people believe that this person made the first flag for the United States. What was this person’s name?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. Decide if each sentence has a compound subject. If a compound subject is underlined correctly, write the letter for correct in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. If a compound subject is not underlined correctly, write the letter for incorrect. You will need to divide the letters into words.

1. Selina and her group did a project on the Revolutionary War.

O. Correct

S. Incorrect

2. Billy and Selina studied the causes of the war.

S. Correct

T. Incorrect

3. Rachel, Alberto, and James read about important battles.

E. Correct

A. Incorrect

4. Two students checked the Internet for information.

E. Correct

S. Incorrect

5. All of the group members presented information to the class.

I. Correct

Y. Incorrect

6. Many students asked excellent questions.

R. Correct

T. Incorrect

7. Ahmed and Thomas learned much about George Washington.

J. Correct

R. Incorrect

8. Jason and other students were curious about the Founding Fathers.

B. Correct

N. Incorrect

9. Mrs. Carter, their teacher, was pleased with the project.

E. Correct

S. Incorrect
