Animals with Great Memories - Pronoun contractions - Pronouns

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

Animals with Great Memories
Pronoun contractions

These animals have excellent memories. It is said that they never forget. What animals are these?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. Find the word that each underlined pronoun replaces. In the parentheses after the sentence, a letter is called for. Find this letter in the word the pronoun replaces. Write this letter in the space above the sentence number at the bottom of the page. The first one is done for you.

1. The members of the Smith family say they are forgetful. (seventh letter)

2. Eddie is always misplacing his things. (first letter)

3. Eddie’s mother misplaced her car keys yesterday. (third letter)

4. Yesterday morning, Eddie’s father couldn’t find his wallet. (second letter)

5. Liz explains that she always seems to lose things. (first letter)

6. Eddie’s aunt forgets where she puts things, too. (third letter)

7. Even Happy, the family’s puppy, loses his toys. (first letter)

8. Only Grandpa never loses any of his things. (sixth letter)

9. Fortunately, the people in this family always find what they are looking for. (second letter)
