Exam Questions - Section Three — Drama

This book is a superb all-in-one guide to success GCSE English Language and English Literature - GCSE English 2003

Exam Questions
Section Three — Drama

You are allowed to use the text to write your essay.

Q1 ’An Inspector Calls' by J В Priestley.

Who do you consider to be most responsible for the death of Eva Smith?

Q2 ’Twelfth Night’ by William Shakespeare.

Explore the different forms of disguise and deception that feature in ’Twelfth Night’.

Q3 ’Romeo and Juliet’ by William Shakespeare.

How far is Friar Lawrence responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet?

Q4 ’Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare.

Discuss whether you think Macbeth is a tragic hero or a tyrant.

Q5 N.B. If you are not studying any of these plays, you can write about the main character in a play that you are studying, and say whether you consider them to be a hero or a villain, and why. Use the comments in the answer to Q5 to help you work out if your essay’s any good or not.