Setting Up Your Argument - Section Six — Arguing and Analysing

This book is a superb all-in-one guide to success GCSE English Language and English Literature - GCSE English 2003

Setting Up Your Argument
Section Six — Arguing and Analysing

Use these tricks to make your essay persuasive — logic, emotion, analogy and ethical beliefs.

Use Logical Reasoning

You won't begin to impress the examiners unless your argument is logical.

1) Show the reader that your argument provides the only logical position.

2) Use definite language (e.g. 'will', 'all', 'definitely') rather than vague language (e.g. 'might', 'some', 'possibly') — it makes you sound more confident.

3) Check your reasoning. If it's flawed, your argument fails.


Add Emotion to the Logic to Build your Argument


Use Analogies if they Fit


Include Ethical Beliefs


If you want to persuade, you’ve got to know the tricks

Tug at people's heartstrings and they'll be putty in your hands. It's the oldest trick in the book. But don't get carried away — the moment you stop being realistic, that's when you lose them.