Make Your Writing Clear To Read - Section Ten — Language and Grammar

This book is a superb all-in-one guide to success GCSE English Language and English Literature - GCSE English 2003

Make Your Writing Clear To Read
Section Ten — Language and Grammar

Writing Properly Gets You a Better Grade

To get an A or A* you have to:

✵ get all your spellings right

✵ get all your punctuation right

✵ write sentences which are grammatically correct and varied

✵ write in clear, linked paragraphs

Even if you're not aiming for an A you've got to get your spelling, punctuation, grammar and paragraphs sorted. The examiner will rob you of the marks you deserve if you make mistakes in basic language and grammar.

Writing Properly Makes Your Work Easier to Read


Always Check For Stupid Mistakes

1) Getting this stuff right comes easily to some people.

2) For the rest of us it's tricky. The first thing to do is learn the rules in this section and use them when you're actually writing.

3) The second thing to do is to get into the habit of checking your work. If you check your work you can find the glaringly obvious mistakes and correct them.

Don’t make any stupid mistaches

It will just make you look foolish in front of the examiner. There's a really important rule here, and I think you know what it is — CHECK YOUR WORK before you finish.