Commonly Misspelled Words

This book is a superb all-in-one guide to success GCSE English Language and English Literature - GCSE English 2003

Commonly Misspelled Words

Commonly Misspelled Words

Here is a list of the most common words that people spell wrongly. Cross off the ones you can already spell and then learn the rest. If you don't you'll just be throwing marks  away.

absence    ceiling     exaggerate

accelerate    changeable    exceed

acceptable    chaos     except

accommodate    cheque     excitement

accurate    chief     exercise

achieve    chimney     existence

acknowledge    choose     extremely

acquaintance    chose     fascinate

acquire    college     feasible

across    colourful     February

address    column     financial

aerial    commit     foreign

aeroplane    conceit     forty

agreeable    condemn    fulfil

aisle     conscience    fulfilment

amount    conscious    fulfilled

anxious    criticism     gauge

appalling     deceive     gorgeous

appoint    decision     government

argue    definitely    grammar

ask     describe     grief

assistant     desire     grievance

association    despair     handkerchief

athlete    desperate    height

authorise     develop     holiday

autumn    disappear    humorous

awkward     disappoint    humour

beautiful    disciple     illegible

beige    dissatisfy    imaginary

belief    double     immediately

benefit    dread     immensely

benefited     eccentric    incidentally

bicycle    ecstatic     independent

biscuit    eerie     indispensable

build     efficient     innocence

business     embarrass    insistent

cease    endeavour    install

installation    physician    stationery

interruption    possess     style

irrelevant     prejudice    succeed

irritable    preliminary    successful

jewellery     prescribe    sufficient

judge    privilege     supersede

knack    proceed     surprise

knock    profession    suppress

knowledge    psychiatrist    symbol

labour    psychology    syntax

laughter    pursue     temporary

leisure    quay     theatre

library    questionnaire    thief

likeable    queue     thieves

loveable    realm     thorough

manoeuvre    reassure    tongue

maintain    receive     transfer

marriage     receipt     typical

miscellaneous   recommend    tyre

mischievous    relief     umbrella

mortgage     repetition    unmistakable

murmur    resource    unnecessary

necessary    restaurant    unnoticed

neighbour    rhyme     until

niece    rhythm     vague

ninety    ridiculous    vegetable

noticeable    secretary    vicious

occasionally    scene     view

occur    scenery     Wednesday

occurred    schedule    weight

occurrence    seize     weird

omission     separate    whole

panic    similar     wilful

panicked     sincere     woollen

parallel    skilful     wreath

pastime    solemn     wreck

permissible    soliloquy    yacht

personal    sophisticated    yeast

personnel    souvenir     yield

philosophy    stationary    zodiac

Practice Exam

Once you've been through all the questions in this book, you should feel pretty confident about the exam. As final preparation, here is a practice examto really get you set for the real thing. It's split into three papers two for English Language and one for English Literature. These papers are designed to give you the best possible preparation for the differing question styles of the actual exams, whichever syllabus you're following.

If you're doing Foundation then you won't have learnt every bit — but it's still good practice.