Activity 8.1 - Unit 8 Language and gender - Section 2 Language variation

Ways of Reading Third Edition - Martin Montgomery, Alan Durant, Nigel Fabb, Tom Furniss, Sara Mills 2007

Activity 8.1
Unit 8 Language and gender
Section 2 Language variation

1 Read the text below from the ’Heartsearch’ column of the New Statesman (May, 1987) and underline the words that reveal or hint at the sex of the writer.

2 Put a circle round all uses of generic nouns (e.g. terms like ’scientist’, which seems to refer to all scientists, regardless of whether they are male or female).

3 Are there any differences between the ways that male and female writers use generic nouns in these advertisements?

4 What other linguistic differences are there that relate either to the sex of the writer or the sex of the person being sought?

5 Are there any possible confusions with generic uses here?

CAMBRIDGE GRADUATE: vaguely academic; likes films, opera, Europe, old things. Lithe, fit, 6’, sporty. Still attractive despite thinning hair.

INCURABLE ROMANTIC, charming, uncomplicated, attractive woman, not slim, not young, feminine, wide interests, seeks personable caring, retired male, sixty plus, middle brow for commitment.

GOOD-LOOKING German writer, early 30s, wishes to indulge in voyeuristic fantasy with young couple or single FORUM minded female.

LADY, ATTRACTIVE, intelligent, independent mind and means, seeks similar man 40-50. Devon Cornwall only.

Rich 1948 Claret with firm strong body sensuous flavour and adventurous bouquet, handsomely bottled, seeks younger crisp and frisky Chablis, equally well-packaged, for mulled fun, including weekends and holidays abroad with a view to durable casting. Photo appreciated.

SENSITIVE HIPPY, 24, seeks sincere and caring female for loving relationship.


Bergvall, V., Bing, J. and Fried, A. (eds) (1996) Rethinking Language and Gender Research: Theory and Practice, London: Longman.

Cameron, D. (1985) Feminism and Linguistic Theory, London: Macmillan.

Holmes, J. and Meyerhoff, M. (eds) (2003) Handbook of Language and Gender, Oxford, Blackwell.

Mills, S. (1996) Feminist Stylistics, London: Routledge.

Pauwels, A. (1998) Women Changing Language, London, Longman.