
Word Power Made Easy - Norman Lewis 2014


Some esoteric phobias

(You will recognize many of the Greek roots on which these words are constructed)

air: aerophobia

animals: zoophobia

beauty: callophobia

birth: genophobia

blood: hematophobia

breasts: mastophobia

burglars: scelerophobia

burial alive: taphephobia

cats: ailurophobia

change: neophobia

childbirth: maieusiophobia

children: pedophobia

colors: chromophobia

crowds: ochlophobia

darkness: nyctophobia

death: thanatophobia

depths: bathophobia

disease: pathophobia

doctors: iatrophobia

dogs: cynophobia

dying: thanatophobia

emptiness: kenopbobia

everything: pantophobia

eyes: ophthalmophobia

fear: phobophobia

feces: coprophobia

feet: podophobia

female genitals: eurotophobia

filth: mysophobia

fire: pyrophobia

fish: ichthyophobia

fog: homichlophobia

food: cibophobia

foreigners: xenophobia

freaks: teratophobia

frogs: batrachophobia

ghosts: phasmophobia

hands: chirophobia

hair: trichophobia

healers or healing: iatrophobia

heat: thermophobia

hell: stygiophobia

horses: hippophobia

insects: entomophobia

knives: aichmophobia

knowledge: gnosiophobia

large things: megalophobia

light: photophobia

lightning: astrophobia

males: androphobia

many things: polyphobia

marriage: gamophobia

medicine: pharmacophobia

mice: musophobia

mirrors: spectrophobia

mobs: ochlophobia

motherhood: metrophobia

motion: kinesophobia

nakedness: gymnophobia

needles: belonophobia

newness: neophobia

night: nyctophobia

oceans: thalassophobia

odors: osmophobia

old age: geraphobia

old men: gerontophobia

pain: algophobia; odynophobia

people: demophobia

plants: botanophobia

pleasure: hedonophobia

poison: toxicophobia

poverty: peniophobia

prostitutes: pomophobia

punishment: poinophobia

rain: ombrophobia

red: erythrophobia

rivers: potamophobia

robbers: harpaxophobia

sameness: homophobia

sex: genophobia

sexual intercourse: coitophobia

sinning: peccatophobia

skin: dermatophobia

sleep: hypnophobia

small things: microphobia

smothering: pnigerophobia

snakes: ophidiophobia

snow: chionophobia

solitude: autophobia; monophobia

sounds: acousticophobia

speaking: lalophobia

speaking aloud: phonophobia

speech: logophobia

spiders: arachneophobia

stairs: climacophobia

stars: siderophobia

stealing: kleptophobia

stillness: eremiophobia

strangers: xenophobia

strength: sthenophobia

study: logophobia

sunlight: heliophobia

tapeworms: taeniophobia

taste: geumophobia

teeth: odontophobia

thieves: kleptophobia

thinking: phronemophobia

thirteen (the number): triskaidekaphobia

thirst: dipsophobia

thunder: brontophobia

time: chronophobia

togetherness: synophobia

travel: hodophobia

ugliness: cacophobia

voices: phemophobia

vomiting: emetophobia

walking: basiphobia

watching: scoptophobia

water: hydrophobia

weakness: asthenophobia

wealth: plutophobia

wind: anemophobia

women: gynephobia

words: logophobia

work: ergophobia

writing: graphophobia