To the student

STEP-BY-STEP Writing, Book 1: A Standards-Based Approach, Second Edition - Linda Lonon Blanton 2008

To the student

How to use this book




Why is writing important?

With good writing skills, you can:



What are good writing habits?


What are the types of writing?

Are you writing to describe someone? Are you writing to tell how something looks, tastes, feels, smells, sounds? This is called descriptive writing.

Are you writing to tell about something that happened? This is called narrative writing.

Are you writing to explain facts to the reader? This is called expository writing.

Do you want the reader to do something? This is called persuasive writing.

Are you writing to explain a process or procedure? This is called technical writing.

Are you writing a message to someone? This is called letter writing.

Are you writing about something you read? This is called a response to literature.