Beyond graphs - How to prepare effective graphs - Preparing the tables and figures

How to write and publish a scientific paper - Barbara Gastel, Robert A. Day 2022

Beyond graphs
How to prepare effective graphs
Preparing the tables and figures

Many journal articles include illustrations other than graphs. For example, they may have diagrams, flowcharts, or maps. In some fields (for example, descriptive biology), line drawings are superior to photographs in showing important details. Such illustrations are also common in medicine, especially in presenting anatomic views, and indeed these have become virtually an art form. Some scientists prepare such graphics themselves, while others enlist professionals such as scientific illustrators, medical illustrators, or cartographers.

The specifics of preparing such graphics exceed the scope of this chapter. However, the principles of preparing good scientific graphics are much the same as those of preparing good scientific text: Know your audience and the conventions in your field. Obtain and follow your target journal’s instructions. Follow good models. Organize the item well. Define the point that you want to make, and focus on communicating it. Minimize clutter. Revise your work. Get feedback and revise some more. And always keep learning.