Why write for general readerships? - How to write for the public - Doing other writing for publication

How to write and publish a scientific paper - Barbara Gastel, Robert A. Day 2022

Why write for general readerships?
How to write for the public
Doing other writing for publication

Regard readers not as being ignorant but, more likely, innocent of your topic and its jargon. Write for them, not at them.

—Alton Blakeslee

Why write for general readerships?

Preparing papers and proposals for peers to read can entail plenty of writing. Why might you write for nonscientists as well?

Sometimes your academic program or job includes doing some writing for lay readerships. For example, requirements for a graduate degree can include writing a nontechnical summary of your thesis. Your funding agency may require public outreach. Or, if you teach introductory courses in your discipline, you may prepare teaching materials that are essentially for the public.

Some of us write for the public on our own initiative as well. Some of us enjoy doing such writing and appreciate the chance to reach audiences broader than those in our own fields. Other motivations can include giving members of the public useful information on technical topics, attracting people to scientific careers, and helping to engender public support for science. Some of us also welcome the bit of extra income that popular writing can bring.