Additional tips on tables - How to design effective tables - Preparing the tables and figures

How to write and publish a scientific paper - Barbara Gastel, Robert A. Day 2022

Additional tips on tables
How to design effective tables
Preparing the tables and figures

The following are some further tips to help ensure that you design and use tables effectively.

Use wording that will be clear without reference to the text. For example, a table should not just refer to “Group 1” and “Group 2.” Rather, it should identify each group by a more meaningful designation (examples: “High-Dose Group” and “Low-Dose Group,” “REM Sleep Group” and “NREM Sleep Group,” and “Graduate Students” and “Professors”).

If a paper includes a series of tables presenting analogous data, use an analogous format for each. For example, if several tables compare the same four groups from different standpoints, list the four groups in the same order in each table. Or if different tables present data on the same variables at different times, keep listing the variables in the same order. Such consistency saves readers effort. (And it is easier for you, too.)

Finally, remember to mention every table in the text. Do so as soon as readers are likely to want to see the table. You have gone to the effort of preparing good tables. Be sure that readers can benefit fully from them.