Purpose and qualities of introductions - Introduction Part II: Popular traps - Paper structure and purpose

Scientific writing 3.0: A reader and writer's guide - Jean-Luc Lebrun, Justin Lebrun 2021

Purpose and qualities of introductions
Introduction Part II: Popular traps
Paper structure and purpose

Purpose of the introduction for the reader

· It brings the reader up to speed and reduces the initial knowledge gap.

· It poses the problem, the proposed solution, and the scope in clear terms.

· It answers the why questions raised by the title and the abstract.

Purpose of the introduction for the writer

· It gives the writer a chance to loosen the tie, unbutton the collar, and write in a personal way to the reader.

· It enhances the reader’s motivation to find out more by reading the rest of the paper.

· It features the writer’s expertise in communication skills, scientific skills, and social skills.

· It enables the writer to strengthen the contribution.

Qualities of an introduction
