Writing About Sets - Essential Dictionary I

Mathematical Writing - Vivaldi Franco 2014

Writing About Sets
Essential Dictionary I

The vocabulary on sets developed so far is sufficient for our purpose. We begin to use it in short phrases which define sets.





Note that we haven’t used any symbols. The set in item 1 is $$\mathbb {C}^2$$. In item 2, among the infinitely many points of the unit circle, we consider those having rational co-ordinates. There is no difficulty in writing this set symbolically:

$$ \{(x,y)\in \mathbb {Q}^2\,:\,x^2+y^2=1\} $$

although its properties are not obvious from the definition. This set is non-empty (the points $$(0,\pm 1),\,(\pm 1,0)$$ belong to it), but is it infinite? This example illustrates the power of a verbal definition. Item 3, which defines a subset of $$\mathbb {N}$$, makes an even stronger point. This set must be extremely large, but can we even show that it is non-empty? In item 4, each line counts as a single element, rather than an infinite collection of points (otherwise our set of lines would be the whole plane). The symbolic definition of this set is awkward; to simplify it we’ll consider suitable representations of this set (Sect. 2.3.3).

It is possible to specify a type of set, without revealing its precise identity. In each of the following sets there is at least one unspecified quantity.

·  The set of fractions representing a rational number.

·  The set of divisors of an odd integer.

·  A proper infinite subset of the unit circle.

·  The cartesian product of two finite sets of complex numbers.

·  A finite set of consecutive integers.

Next we define sets in two ways, first with a combination of words and symbols, and then with words only. One should consider the relative merits of the two formulations.

·  Let $$X=\{3\}$$.

·  The set whose only element is the integer 3.

·  Let $$X=\{m\}$$, with $$m\in \mathbb {Z}$$.

·  A set whose only element is an integer.

·  Let $$m\in \mathbb {Z}$$, and let $$X$$ be a set such that $$m\in X$$.

·  A set which contains a given integer.

·  Let $$X$$ be a set such that $$X\cap \mathbb {Z}\not =\emptyset $$.

·  A set which contains at least one integer.

·  Let $$X$$ be a set such that $$\#(X\cap \mathbb {Z})=1$$.

·  A set which contains precisely one integer.

In the first two examples the combination of ’let’ and ’$$=$$’ replaces an assignment operator. An expression such as ’Let $$X\mathop {=}\limits ^{\scriptscriptstyle \nabla }\{3\}$$’ would be overloaded.

The distinction between definite and indefinite articles is essential, the former describing a unique object, the latter an unspecified representative of a class of objects. In the following phrases, a change in one article, highlighted in boldface, has resulted in a logical mistake.


A proper infinite subset of a unit circle.


A set whose only element is the integer 3.


The set whose only element is an integer.


The set which contains precisely one integer.

As a final exercise, we express some geometric facts using set terminology.

·  The intersection of a line and a conic section has at most two points.

·  The set of rational points in any open interval is infinite.

·  A cylinder is the cartesian product of a segment and a circle.

·  The complement of the unit circle consists of two disjoint components.

The reader should re-visit familiar mathematics and describe it in the language of sets.

Exercise 2.1

For each of the following topics:

$$ \text {prime numbers,}\; \text {fractions}, \text {complex numbers,} $$

(i) write five short sentences; (ii) ask five questions. The sentences should give a definition or state a fact; the questions should have mathematical significance, and preferably possess a certain degree of generality. [ $$\not \varepsilon $$ ] 4

Exercise 2.2

Define five interesting finite sets. [ $$\not \varepsilon $$ ]

Exercise 2.3

The following expressions define sets. Turn words into symbols, using standard or Zermelo definitions. (Represent geometrical objects, e.g., planar curves, by their cartesian equations.)










Exercise 2.4

The following expressions define sets. Turn symbols into words. [ $$\not \varepsilon $$ ]










