Sentence definitions - Technical definitions and descriptions

Practical models for technical communication - Shannon Kelley 2021

Sentence definitions
Technical definitions and descriptions

A sentence definition provides an explanation of a term embedded in a sentence. In fact, the sentence you just read provides an example for how to structure a sentence definition. Sometimes the term is italicized or bolded to indicate to users that a definition can be found within the sentence.

A sentence definition is ideal for the user who needs a little more explanation than a parenthetical definition provides but who doesn’t need the deep dive provided by an extended definition. The use of bold or italicized text allows a user to scan a document for unfamiliar terms. Textbooks like this one use this approach to make it easy for their users to find the information they need to remember.

When to Use

Sentence definitions are useful in a glossary, a list of defined terms usually located at the end of a document. Sentence definitions are also useful any time someone needs a moderate amount of explanation. They can work as a topic sentence for a paragraph by defining the paragraph’s main idea followed by supporting sentences that give more in-depth information about the topic.

See the glossary at the end of this book.

How to Use

Sentence definitions often use a pattern that involves identifying the name, class, and characteristics of your term. These three elements form the foundation of a sentence definition (figure 8.3). Name refers to the specific term, thing, or concept you are defining. For example, “alpaca” describes a specific animal name, but what makes it different from, say, a llama? To answer this, you need to move on to the next category.

Class is the more specific category for the word. It does not simply name the object but provides additional details to help us classify it. For example, an alpaca is a mammal that belongs to the camel family. Llamas, camels, and alpacas are all part of the same family, though they are clearly different at the species level.

Figure 8.3. Elements of Sentence Definitions. Using the name, class, and characteristics of the unfamiliar term, each category becomes progressively more specific as it expands on the category that came before it.


Characteristics are the unique traits that make the term or thing stand out from other terms in its category.

Creating a table, like the one in figure 8.4, can help you craft a clear definition for your audience. You can use the table to map out the sentence definitions you need in your project. After you’ve mapped out the definitions, you are ready to craft them into complete sentences.

After Jason and Leticia build their definition table, they write the appropriate terms into sentence definitions: “Alpacas are small, determined, civilized explorers who venture into the wasteland to find valuable lost technologies that will help their families and friends.”

A glossary, like the one shown in figure 8.5, is written in the style of a dictionary entry. If you are working on a project with multiple people or creating a document that will be translated into another language, a glossary can help you maintain consistency of style, voice, and use of terms. For instance, the sample glossary in this section helps Leticia and Jason use the same language when they describe characters in their game.

Figure 8.4. Sentence Definition Table. In this table, game designers Leticia and Jason generate definitions for terms used in their game. The categories of name, class, and characteristics assist in the creation of definitions.


Figure 8.5. Sample Glossary. Notice that a glossary definition does not require you to write in complete sentences. The definitions should follow the same pattern and use parallel language to introduce the terms.
