AMA Manual of Style - Stacy L. Christiansen, Cheryl Iverson 2020
Names and Titles of Persons
Given (first) names should not be abbreviated in the text or in bylines except by using initials when so indicated by the author. The editor should verify the use of initials with the author. (Some publishers and journals prefer to use initials instead of given names in author bylines.)
Do not use Chas., Geo., Jos., Wm., etc, except when such abbreviations are part of the formal name of a company or organization that regularly uses such abbreviations (see 13.7, Commercial Firms). When an abbreviation is part of a person’s name, retain the period after the abbreviation, eg, Oliver St. John Gogarty, MD; Frederick John de St. Vrain Schwankovsky.
Initials used in the text to indicate names of persons (eg, coauthors of an article) should be followed by periods and set close within parentheses. Note: This is one of the few instances in which periods are used with an abbreviation.
Two authors (M.R.B. and C.D.-W.) independently screened the abstracts of the search results and independently assessed the remaining full-text articles for eligibility. Any disagreement was resolved with the help of the third author (D.C.B.).
A person who is not an author may also be included in the text, in which case the full name and academic degree are used.
Although measurements of the various components were divided among 3 different examiners (R.Z., D.O.M., and Bert N. J. van Berckel, MD, PhD), each examiner measured the same components at each annual session.
Senior and Junior are abbreviated, without periods, when they are part of a name. The abbreviation follows the surname. A comma follows the abbreviation (but see 18.7.5, Roman Numerals, and 3.7, Authors). Note: These abbreviations are used only with the full name (never Dr Forsythe Jr).
Peter M. Forsythe Jr, MD, performed his landmark research in collaboration with James Philips Sr, PhD, at the National Institute of Mental Health.
Names with roman numerals do not take a comma before the numeral.
John Paul II
Trey Riggs III, PharmD
Many titles of persons are abbreviated but only when they precede the full name (given name or initials and surname). Spell titles out when (1) used before a surname alone (except in some cases as described below), (2) used at the beginning of a sentence, and (3) used after a name (in this instance, the title should not be capitalized) (but see 13.2, US Military Services and Titles).
Colonel Jonas
Dr Jonas, colonel in the US Army
Alderman Hopkins
Brian Hopkins, alderman of the Second Ward of Chicago
Associate Professor Panodolfino
Maria Panodolfino, associate professor, Department of Infectious Diseases
Father Doyle
Fr Raymond G. Doyle
Raymond G. Doyle, SJ
Governor Brown
Kate Brown, governor of Oregon
Representative McDermott
Jim McDermott, MD, representative from the state of Washington
Senator Durbin (D, Illinois)
Richard Durbin, US senator from Illinois
Superintendent Smith
Henry B. Smith, EdD, superintendent of schools
President James K. Polk
James K. Polk, president of the US
The following social titles are always abbreviated when preceding a surname, with or without first name or initials: Dr, Mr, Messrs, Mrs, Mmes, Ms, and Mss. Note that in most instances, the title Dr should be used only after the specific academic degree has been mentioned and only with the surname.
Arthur L. Rudnick, MD, PhD, gave the opening address. At the close of the meeting, Dr Rudnick was named director of the committee on sports injuries.
The Reverend, Reverend, or Rev is used only when the first name or initials are given with the surname. When only the surname is given, use the Reverend Mr (or Ms or Dr), Mr (or Ms or Dr), or Father (Roman Catholic, sometimes Anglican). Never use the Reverend Brown, Reverend Brown, or Rev Brown.
the Reverend Katharine M. Burke
the Reverend Dr Burke