Enumerations - Numbers and Percentages

AMA Manual of Style - Stacy L. Christiansen, Cheryl Iverson 2020

Numbers and Percentages

Indicate a short series of enumerated items by numerals run in and enclosed within parentheses in the text (see 8.5, Parentheses and Brackets).

The testing format focused on 6 aspects: (1) alertness and concentration, (2) language, (3) naming, (4) calculations, (5) construction, and (6) memory.

For long or complex enumerations, indented numbers followed by a period, without parentheses, may be used.

In response to other issues:

1.The study was conducted under 2 protocols that prespecified that the data would be pooled for the analyses.

2.A particular regression procedure (model selection stepdown) was applied individually for clinical outcomes.

3.The relative risk of all serious adverse events was similar to the relative risk at 6 months.

If enumerated items contain further enumerations of their own, it is best to provide this information in a box or table.

Bullets without enumeration may be used for emphasis and clarity when the specific order of the items is not important. If the items are complete sentences, begin each item with a capital letter and end it with a period.

The current labeling provides instructions as follows:

■Use should be limited to physicians experienced in emergency treatment of anaphylaxis.

■Initial dosage should be based on results of skin testing.

■The patient should be observed for at least 20 minutes after injection.

■Immunotherapy should be withheld when a β-blocker is used.

If the bulleted items are not complete sentences, no end punctuation is needed and the use of a capital or lowercase letter on the first word of each item is a matter of judgment, often determined by length (capital letters on initial letter of longer items, lowercase on initial letters of shorter items), with consistency within a single list.

Anorexia nervosa includes the following:

■Low body weight with refusal to maintain a healthy weight

■Fear of being overweight despite having an extremely low body weight

■Disturbed body image or denial of the degree of underweight

■In girls and women, absence of menstruation

Signs and symptoms of cardiogenic shock may include


■cold, clammy skin

■low urine output
