AMA Manual of Style - Stacy L. Christiansen, Cheryl Iverson 2020
Ancillary Educational and Promotional Material
Manuscript Preparation for Submission and Publication
Many journals, in addition to educational and online supplemental content, may publish ancillary promotional materials, such as audio, video, and quizzes. In the JAMA Network journals, for example, these materials are called out on the first page of the print or PDF version of the article with a related link in the online version.
⊞ Animated Summary Video
⊞ Author Video Interview
⊞ CME Quiz at
Principal Author: Cheryl Iverson, MA
Thanks to the following for reviewing and providing comments to improve the manuscript: Lou S. Knecht, MLS, formerly with Bibliographic Services Division, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland; Trevor Lane, MA, DPhil, Edanz Group, Fukuoka, Japan; Frederick P. Rivara, MD, MPH, JAMA Network Open and University of Washington, Seattle; Michael G. Sarr, MD, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota; Helene M. Cole, MD, Des Moines, Iowa, formerly with JAMA; Diane L. Cannon, formerly with JAMA Network; Miriam Y. Cintron, JAMA; and Peter J. Olson, ELS, Sheridan Journal Services, Waterbury, Vermont.
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