Vocabulary and English for Specific Purposes Research - Averil Coxhead 2018
Specialised vocabulary research and the professions
This chapter focuses on English for Professional Purposes and English for Occupational Purposes. Basturkmen (2010, p. 6) illustrates these helpful distinctions in ESP: English for Professional Purposes, using her examples, includes English for the health care sector under general English for Professional Purposes and English for Nursing as English for Specific Professional Purposes. In English for Occupational Purposes, Basturkmen provides an example of English for the hospitality industry as English for General Occupational Purposes and English for hotel receptionists as an example of English for Specific Occupational purposes. The chapter begins with a discussion of why researchers might investigate the specialised vocabulary of English for Professional and Occupational Purposes. The chapter includes research into professional vocabulary in Aviation, Legal English, and Business and Finance and Occupational Vocabulary in Medical Communication and Nursing. These areas are drawn upon to illustrate the potential and limitations of vocabulary research for the professional and occupational spheres.