The Right Word: A Writer's Toolkit of Grammar, Vocabulary and Literary Terms - Waldram Sarah 2021
Just the opposite
Vocabulary Builder
Light, dark. Fear, courage. Cold, warmth. Female, male. It is yourself, Therem. Both and one. A shadow on snow.
Ursula K. Le Guin
The Left Hand of Darkness (1969)
Familiarity with both a word and its opposite implies knowledge of two related words. Though it may seem counterintuitive, polarities represent links. Thesauruses and certain dictionaries may list not only SYNONYMS (see chapter 7, here) but also sometimes opposites, known as antonyms. And, like both synonyms and WORD FAMILIES (see chapter 10, here), antonyms contribute to the vast interconnectedness of English words.
This chapter introduces word pairs. Adjectives, nouns and verbs are given, along with their often unpredictable opposites. Words that form an opposite in a standard way — for example, by adding the prefixes in-, un-, non-, dis- or de- — are not included here, though there is a short final section on non-standard in- and un- word antonyms. Words for which both members of the pair are common or well-known are similarly excluded. The aim of the chapter is to further map linguistic connections, by linking words as opposites that may not be obvious.
In the list below, words on the left are followed by an opposite term on the right with their meaning in between. Under the left-hand word is a short definition of its meaning, to clarify which sense of the word is intended. For example, the headword ailing is opposite to thriving, and it is defined as meaning ’experiencing difficulties and becoming weaker’. So, a company that is ailing is suffering economic difficulties or failing, whereas one that is thriving is flourishing and doing well.
above board |
honest, legal and without deception |
underhand |
abstract |
existing in thought but not physically |
concrete |
abundant |
present in great quantities |
scarce |
abysmal |
appallingly bad |
superb |
acceptable |
considered to be satisfactory |
inadmissible |
adequate |
sufficient in quality or quantity to meet a need |
insufficient |
admirable |
deserving to be respected |
despicable |
admiring |
full of praise for someone or something |
contemptuous |
adoptive |
(of a parent or child) related by adoption |
biological |
affluent |
having an abundance of material wealth |
impoverished |
aggressive |
ready or tending to attack or do harm to others |
defensive |
ailing |
experiencing difficulties and becoming weaker |
thriving |
adjective |
meaning |
antonym |
aloof |
uninvolved or distant, sometimes out of a sense of superiority |
involved |
amicable |
friendly, without anger or bad feelings |
hostile |
ample |
as much or as many as required, usually with some left over |
scant |
antagonistic |
showing or expressing hostility |
appeasing |
antiquated |
quaint, extremely out of date, or badly in need of updating or replacing |
futuristic |
apologetic |
expressing regret or contrition for something |
unrepentant |
arrogant |
showing proud self-importance and disregard for others |
humble |
articulate |
able to express thoughts, ideas and feelings clearly |
incoherent |
assertive |
confident in stating one’s position |
meek |
astute |
shrewd and discerning, and not easily fooled |
naive |
audible |
loud or clear enough to be heard |
indistinct |
averse |
strongly opposed to or disliking something |
inclined |
barbarous |
brutal or primitive |
civilised |
becoming |
enhancing someone’s appearance |
unflattering |
blatant |
offensively, often intentionally, obtrusive and conspicuous |
discreet |
boisterous |
full of noisy enthusiasm and energy, and often roughness or wildness |
sedate |
bona fide |
authentic and genuine in nature |
bogus |
brash |
self-assertive in an aggressive or rude way |
unassertive |
brazen |
showing or expressing boldness and complete lack of shame |
coy |
broad-minded |
willing to tolerate a wide range of ideas and behaviour |
intolerant |
burgeoning |
growing or expanding rapidly |
dwindling |
callous |
showing no concern if other people are hurt or upset |
warm-hearted |
capable |
good at tasks or jobs |
inept |
circuitous |
lengthy because indirect |
direct |
clumsy |
poorly coordinated physically |
adroit |
combustible |
able to catch fire and burn |
fireproof |
complimentary |
expressing praise or approval |
disparaging |
compulsory |
required by law or an authority |
elective |
concave |
curved inwards like the inner surface of a bowl |
convex |
conceivable |
possible to imagine, understand or believe |
unimaginable |
conscious |
awake and responsive to stimuli |
comatose |
constrained |
lacking naturalness or spontaneity because of self-consciousness, reserve or inhibiting circumstances |
unfettered |
convincing |
(of argument or statement) persuading someone to believe something is true or real |
implausible |
cooperative |
doing, or willing to do, what is asked or required |
adversarial |
credulous |
easily convinced that something is true |
sceptical |
cursory |
done in a quick or superficial way |
thorough |
damning |
very critical or unfavourable |
laudatory |
debatable |
open to discussion and uncertain |
incontestable |
deferential |
showing or expressing polite respect or courtesy |
condescending |
defunct |
no longer operative, valid or functional |
active |
dejected |
feeling lack of hope, especially because of disappointment |
elated |
delirious |
irrational as a temporary result of a physical condition such as a fever |
lucid |
demonstrative |
openly showing love and affection towards someone |
inhibited |
despondent |
extremely unhappy and discouraged |
ecstatic |
determined |
feeling or showing firmness or a fixed purpose |
irresolute |
detestable |
causing or deserving intense dislike |
adorable |
detrimental |
causing harm or damage |
beneficial |
devious |
not straightforward or honest about one’s intentions |
forthright |
devout |
deeply and faithfully religious |
irreligious |
diffident |
lacking self-confidence and shy |
assured |
diligent |
persistent and hard-working |
idle |
disappointed |
unhappy because reality does not match expectations |
jubilant |
discordant |
in disagreement |
harmonious |
discretionary |
giving the freedom to decide depending on individual circumstances |
obligatory |
discriminating |
able to identify subtle differences and appreciate good quality or taste |
uncritical |
disingenuous |
insincere and often withholding information |
artless |
disloyal |
showing a lack of faith in or loyalty to someone or something |
constant |
disproportionate |
unequal or out of proportion in quantity, size or value |
commensurate |
docile |
quiet, easy to control, and unlikely to cause trouble |
headstrong |
dry-eyed |
unable or unwilling to shed tears |
lachrymose |
dubious |
uncertain or doubtful about something |
convinced |
eager |
enthusiastic and excited to do something |
loath |
easy |
not causing difficulty or requiring much effort |
arduous |
eloquent |
said or saying something in a forceful, expressive and persuasive way |
inarticulate |
energetic |
displaying great vigour or force |
lethargic |
enlightened |
free of ignorance, prejudice or superstition |
benighted |
enthusiastic |
showing passionate interest in something or eagerness about something |
apathetic |
ephemeral |
lasting for only a short time |
timeless |
even-tempered |
not easily angered or upset |
fractious |
exalted |
(formal) high in rank, position or esteem |
lowly |
excessive |
beyond what is considered acceptable, usual or necessary |
moderate |
excitable |
nervous and liable to become quickly excited |
imperturbable |
exotic |
strikingly unusual and suggesting faraway places |
parochial |
expansive |
willing to talk openly and at some length |
limited |
experienced |
possessing knowledge and skill acquired over a length of time |
fledgling |
explicit |
expressing details in a clear and obvious way |
implicit |
exposed |
uncovered and therefore visible or without protection |
buried |
external |
situated on, happening on, or coming from the outside |
internal |
extramural |
outside or additional to the usual courses of study at an educational institution |
intramural |
extravagant |
characterised by spending excessively or wastefully |
parsimonious |
familiar |
well known, commonly seen or heard, and easily recognised |
alien |
famous |
known and recognised by many people |
obscure |
fertile |
able to support life or procreate |
barren |
fickle |
likely to change, especially in affections, intentions, loyalties or preferences |
loyal |
figurative |
using a non-literal sense of a word or words |
literal |
filial |
relating to a child’s relationship with his or her parents |
parental |
finite |
with an end or limit |
endless |
formidable |
presenting an appearance that causes dread or fear |
approachable |
forthcoming |
communicative and informative |
close-lipped |
fragrant |
having a pleasant or sweet smell |
malodorous |
frank |
open, honest, and sometimes forceful in expression |
mealy-mouthed |
friendly |
characteristic of or suitable to a relationship between friends |
hostile |
frugal |
characterised by thriftiness and avoidance of waste |
lavish |
frustrated |
feeling unfulfilled or unsatisfied |
fulfilled |
garrulous |
excessively or pointlessly talkative |
taciturn |
generic |
applying to any member of a group or class |
specific |
genuine |
having the qualities or value claimed |
sham |
gigantic |
very large, tall or bulky |
minuscule |
gradual |
proceeding or developing slowly by steps or degrees |
abrupt |
grudging |
done or given reluctantly |
generous |
guileless |
having or showing no deceit or expectation of being deceived |
cunning |
hackneyed |
made commonplace and stale by overuse |
fresh |
halting |
hesitant or done with frequent irregular pauses |
fluent |
haphazard |
happening or done in a way that has not been planned |
methodical |
harmonious |
relating to or sounding in harmony |
discordant |
helpful |
providing or willing to give assistance or information |
obstructive |
heterogeneous |
consisting of parts or individual elements that are unrelated or unlike each other |
homogeneous |
hirsute |
having a large amount of hair |
hairless |
humid |
with a relatively high level of moisture in the air |
arid |
hurried |
done too quickly because of a real or perceived lack of time |
measured |
imaginary |
existing only in the mind, not in reality |
actual |
impassive |
showing no emotion, especially in facial expression |
expressive |
impenitent |
having no regret for immorality or misbehaviour |
contrite |
inapposite |
unsuitable or out of place |
appropriate |
inappropriate |
not fitting, timely or suitable |
apposite |
incoherent |
not well thought out or clearly expressed |
lucid |
inconsiderate |
lacking thought or consideration for other people and their feelings |
attentive |
incurious |
showing no curiosity about or interest in something |
inquiring |
in-depth |
giving comprehensive and thorough consideration to something |
superficial |
indiscriminate |
making no distinction s |
discerning |
indisputable |
impossible to doubt, question or deny |
questionable |
indolent |
lethargic and not showing any interest or making any effort |
industrious |
inedible |
unpleasant to eat |
palatable |
inflexible |
adhering firmly to a viewpoint |
adaptable |
informed |
showing or having knowledge of a situation or subject |
unenlightened |
insubstantial |
not very large, solid or strong |
material |
intentional |
done on purpose, not by accident |
coincidental |
intermittent |
happening from time to time |
constant |
intolerant |
easily angered or annoyed when things do not go as desired |
accepting |
intractable |
resisting attempts to control, correct or influence |
biddable |
introverted |
tending to be shy and quiet, or ill at ease in a group |
extroverted |
invincible |
incapable of being defeated or beaten, owing to great strength or skill |
vulnerable |
inviting |
suggesting or offering pleasure or enjoyment |
inhospitable |
jovial |
cheerful in mood or disposition |
morose |
juvenile |
relating to young people |
adult |
knowledgeable |
having knowledge |
ignorant |
languid |
lacking vigour and energy |
vivacious |
laudable |
admirable and worthy of praise |
contemptible |
lenient |
showing tolerance or mercy in dealing with crime or misbehaviour |
harsh |
liberal |
tolerant of different views and standards of behaviour in others |
authoritarian |
lifeless |
dead, or seeming to be dead |
animated |
loquacious |
tending to talk a great deal |
tight-lipped |
luxurious |
involving comfort, elegance and often expense |
spartan |
magnanimous |
very generous, kind or forgiving |
mean-spirited |
main |
greatest in size or importance |
ancillary |
malevolent |
having or showing a desire to harm others |
benevolent |
malignant |
full of hate and showing a desire to harm others |
benign |
mandatory |
officially required |
discretionary |
manifest |
clear to see or understand |
latent |
meticulous |
extremely careful and precise |
slapdash |
muted |
not strong or intense in colour or sound |
bold |
naive |
having an excessively simple and trusting view of the world |
cynical |
negligible |
too small or unimportant to be worth considering |
significant |
net |
remaining from an amount after all necessary deductions have been made |
gross |
nocturnal |
occurring at night, as opposed to during the day |
diurnal |
nondescript |
with no interesting or remarkable characteristics |
outstanding |
oblivious |
unaware of or paying no attention to someone or something |
aware |
open-minded |
free from prejudice and receptive to new ideas |
bigoted |
opportune |
occurring at just the right time |
ill-timed |
optimistic |
tending to take a hopeful and positive view of future outcomes |
defeatist |
optional |
left to individual choice |
compulsory |
orderly |
well-behaved or peaceful |
anarchic |
original |
creative or unique |
derivative |
ornate |
with elaborate or excessive decoration |
austere |
overbearing |
arrogant and tending to issue orders to others |
meek |
overdue |
late or after the scheduled time |
premature |
overt |
done openly and without any attempt at concealment |
disguised |
pallid |
having an unhealthily pale complexion |
florid |
paltry |
insignificant or unimportant |
significant |
persuasive |
having the ability to persuade people or the effect of persuading them |
unconvincing |
pertinent |
relevant to the matter being considered |
extraneous |
placid |
calm and tending not to become excited or disturbed |
boisterous |
platonic |
involving friendship, affection or love between people without sexual relations |
romantic |
powerless |
lacking power, strength or effectiveness |
omnipotent |
pragmatic |
concerned with practical results in the real world |
utopian |
preceding |
immediately before something else |
ensuing |
prenatal |
existing or happening during pregnancy but before childbirth |
postnatal |
prepared |
organised or arranged ahead of time |
impromptu |
privileged |
enjoying advantages available to only a few |
disadvantaged |
proactive |
taking the initiative rather than reacting to events |
reactive |
professional |
relating to or belonging to a profession |
lay |
profligate |
extremely extravagant or wasteful |
frugal |
prompt |
done at once and without delay |
dilatory |
prostrate |
lying on one’s stomach |
supine |
provincial |
from a simpler, less sophisticated place |
cosmopolitan |
purposeful |
showing a clear determination |
aimless |
questionable |
open to doubt or disagreement |
indisputable |
quixotic |
impulsive, unpredictable and impractical |
down-to-earth |
reactionary |
opposed to social or political change regarded as liberal or progressive |
progressive |
rebellious |
opposing or defying authority, accepted moral codes, or social conventions |
conformist |
refined |
cultured and polite in habits, tastes or appearance |
coarse |
reserved |
not readily showing or expressing emotions |
demonstrative |
resolute |
possessing determination and purposefulness |
vacillating |
responsive |
tending to respond to something |
impervious |
restrained |
characterised by control, especially in not being excessively emotional or aggressive |
abandoned |
reticent |
unwilling to talk freely or reveal all the facts |
communicative |
rude |
disagreeable or discourteous in manner or action |
civil |
sacred |
dedicated to a deity or religious purpose |
profane |
secular |
not controlled by a religious body or concerned with religious or spiritual matters |
divine |
selective |
applying to some but not others |
indiscriminate |
selfish |
concerned with one’s own interests, needs and wishes while ignoring those of others |
altruistic |
short-lived |
lasting or living for only a short time |
enduring |
shy |
reserved, diffident and uncomfortable in the company of others |
outgoing |
solvent |
having enough money to cover expenses and debts |
bankrupt |
spatial |
relating to, occupying or happening in space |
temporal |
spontaneous |
resulting from internal or natural processes, with no apparent external influence |
forced |
spurious |
not being what it claims to be |
genuine |
stale |
no longer pleasant to eat or of interest |
fresh |
stilted |
(of speech or writing) unnatural or lacking in fluency |
idiomatic |
stressful |
causing mental or emotional stress |
relaxing |
submissive |
giving in or tending to give in to the demands or the authority of others |
dominant |
subsequent |
happening or existing after something |
previous |
successful |
having the intended result |
abortive |
sufficient |
as much as is needed |
inadequate |
systematic |
done in a methodical and organised manner |
arbitrary |
tactful |
having or showing concern about upsetting or offending people |
indiscreet |
talkative |
tending to talk readily and at length |
reticent |
tangential |
only slightly related |
direct |
theoretical |
involving or based on theory |
applied |
transient |
lasting for only a short time |
abiding |
true |
conforming with reality or fact |
apocryphal |
unaccountable |
impossible to explain or give a reason for |
explicable |
unbecoming |
ill-suited to the wearer |
flattering |
unconditional |
complete or guaranteed, with no conditions, limitations or provisos attached |
qualified |
uncontroversial |
unlikely to provoke argument or disapproval |
contentious |
uncritical |
too readily accepting, without question |
discerning |
unfair |
not equal or just |
equitable |
unfamiliar |
not previously known or recognised |
conversant |
unflappable |
able to maintain composure under all circumstances |
excitable |
uninformed |
lacking facts or knowledge about a situation or subject |
well-read |
unrelated |
not connected by similarities, source or family |
allied |
valid |
having a solid foundation or justification |
indefensible |
varied |
showing or characterised by many different forms or kinds |
monotonous |
venal |
open to persuasion by corrupt means, especially bribery |
incorruptible |
verbose |
expressed in language that is too long-winded or complicated |
concise |
wary |
cautious and watchful |
unsuspecting |
well-founded |
based on sound reasons, information or evidence, or on undisputable facts |
baseless |
worldly |
experienced in life |
innocent |
abolition |
act of officially ending a law, regulation or practice |
preservation |
absolutism |
political system in which the power of a ruler is unchecked and absolute |
democracy |
abundance |
very large amount of something |
scarcity |
acceleration |
rate at which something increases in velocity |
deceleration |
addition |
act of adding something onto or into something else |
deduction |
admiration |
feeling of pleasure and approval, and, often, wonder |
scorn |
agitation |
nervous anxiety |
composure |
altruism |
attitude or way of behaving marked by unselfish concern for the welfare of others |
egotism |
ambiguity |
quality of something possibly being understood in more than one way |
clarity |
ancestor |
someone from whom one is directly descended, especially someone more distant than a grandparent |
descendant |
antithesis |
complete or exact opposite of something |
equivalent |
asceticism |
austerity and self-denial, especially as a principled way of life |
hedonism |
asset |
someone or something that is useful and contributes to success |
liability |
background |
behind the scenes |
forefront |
balm |
substance, act or words that soothe |
irritant |
base |
lowest, bottom or supporting part or layer of something |
apex |
benefactor |
financial supporter of a cause, institution or individual |
beneficiary |
boon |
something that is a great benefit to someone |
nuisance |
cessation |
stop, pause or interruption |
continuation |
clergy |
body of people ordained for religious service |
laity |
conformity |
behaving or thinking in a socially acceptable or expected way |
deviance |
contempt |
powerful feeling of dislike towards someone or something considered to be worthless, inferior or undeserving of respect |
esteem |
conviction |
guilty verdict |
acquittal |
demotion |
reduction in the rank, status or position of someone or something |
elevation |
denial |
statement saying that something is not true or not correct |
admission |
detractor |
belittler of something or someone |
proponent |
detriment |
damage, harm or disadvantage |
benefit |
dilution |
thinning or weakening of a substance by the addition of another substance |
concentration |
disagreement |
expression of a difference of opinion |
accord |
disappointment |
feeling of sadness or frustration because of failed expectations |
jubilation |
discontent |
unhappiness or dissatisfaction |
contentment |
discord |
disagreement or strife |
harmony |
disdain |
extreme contempt or disgust for something or someone |
approval |
disinclination |
reluctance to do something |
urge |
disintegration |
irreversible breaking into components or fragments |
cohesion |
disorganisation |
lack of organisation or orderly arrangement |
coordination |
disrespect |
lack of respect |
esteem |
divergence |
moving apart of two or more things |
convergence |
dystopia |
imaginary place where everything is as bad as it could possibly be |
utopia |
epilogue |
short speech, usually in verse, that an actor addresses directly to the audience at the end of a play |
prologue |
establishment |
act of founding or starting something |
abolition |
euphemism |
word or phrase used in place of a term that might be considered too direct, harsh, unpleasant or offensive |
dysphemism |
explosion |
sudden loud release of energy and a rapidly expanding volume |
implosion |
extrovert |
energetic and socially confident person |
introvert |
failing |
shortcoming |
forte |
fission |
act or process of separating into parts |
fusion |
foreigner |
someone who comes from a country other than one’s own |
compatriot |
foundation |
part of a building, usually below the ground, that transfers and distributes the weight of the building |
superstructure |
glut |
larger supply of something than is needed, especially of a crop or product |
dearth |
hindsight |
opportunity to understand and judge an experience after it has occurred |
foreknowledge |
humility |
quality of being modest or respectful |
arrogance |
husk |
dry outer covering of some fruits, nuts and grains |
kernel |
inertia |
tendency of a body at rest to stay at rest |
momentum |
ingratitude |
failure to show or express gratitude |
appreciation |
injustice |
unfair or unjust treatment of someone, or an instance of this |
equity |
insufficiency |
smaller number or lesser amount than is needed |
adequacy |
interest |
feeling of curiosity or concern about something |
apathy |
intervention |
action undertaken to change what is happening or might happen in another’s affairs |
laissez-faire |
introduction |
section at the beginning of a book or other text, usually summarising it or setting the scene |
coda |
liberty |
freedom from captivity |
custody |
loyalist |
firm supporter of a country, ruler or government |
defector |
macrocosm |
complex large structure, often the world or the universe, considered as a single entity containing numerous smaller structures |
microcosm |
miser |
person who hates spending money or spends very little |
spendthrift |
monosyllable |
word or sentence consisting of only one syllable, for example, ’yes’ |
polysyllable |
monotheism |
belief that there is only one God |
polytheism |
monotony |
boredom or dullness arising from the fact that nothing different ever happens |
variety |
movement |
act that denotes change or progress |
stagnation |
nadir |
lowest possible point |
acme |
oblivion |
state of being entirely unconscious |
awareness |
obscurity |
state of being unknown or inconspicuous |
celebrity |
observance |
execution of or compliance with laws, instructions or customs |
contravention |
optimist |
person who tends to feel hopeful and positive about future outcomes |
defeatist |
parent |
head or ancestor of an important family |
scion |
periphery |
area around the edge of a place |
centre |
philanthropy |
desire to improve the material, social and spiritual welfare of humanity, especially through charitable activities |
misanthropy |
postscript |
short message added to the end of a letter, after the signature |
preamble |
predecessor |
person who previously held a specific position |
successor |
prelude |
piece of music that introduces or precedes another one |
finale |
prequel |
film or novel set at a time preceding the action of an existing work |
sequel |
prosperity |
condition of enjoying great wealth, success or good fortune |
destitution |
republicanism |
belief that the supreme power of a country should be vested in the people |
monarchism |
restraint |
act or quality of holding back, limiting or controlling something |
abandon |
revelation |
exposing of information formerly secret or unknown |
concealment |
stability |
condition of being stable |
flux |
troublemaker |
person who constantly causes problems |
conciliator |
admit |
allow someone to enter a place |
bar |
adore |
love intensely |
abhor |
affirm |
declare positively that something is true |
negate |
aggravate |
make something worse |
alleviate |
antagonise |
cause a person or animal to be hostile |
pacify |
appreciate |
gain in value |
depreciate |
assemble |
bring people or things together, or gather together in one place |
disperse |
assist |
help someone to do or accomplish something |
impede |
buoy up |
give support or encouragement to someone |
dishearten |
court |
try to win influence with someone or to win someone’s approval or favour through flattery or attentiveness |
shun |
curtail |
reduce the length or duration of something |
extend |
debar |
exclude someone from entering or taking part in something |
entitle |
decline |
get weaker |
flourish |
denounce |
express harsh criticism or condemnation of something or someone, usually in public |
endorse |
diminish |
make something smaller or less important |
augment |
disassociate |
end an association or relationship with another person or group |
join |
disband |
break up as a group or organisation, or cause a group or organisation to break up |
assemble |
diversify |
expand into a new area of business |
specialise |
divulge |
reveal information, especially information that was previously secret |
conceal |
dwindle |
decrease little by little in size, number or intensity, and approach zero |
accrue |
endanger |
expose someone or something to danger |
safeguard |
enrich |
make wealthier |
impoverish |
verb |
meaning |
antonym |
enslave |
subject someone to a dominating influence that takes away his or her freedom |
emancipate |
establish |
start or set up something that is intended to continue or be permanent |
abolish |
exacerbate |
make an already bad or problematic situation worse |
ameliorate |
exculpate |
free someone from blame or accusation of guilt |
blame |
exhume |
dig up a corpse from a grave |
bury |
exonerate |
declare officially that someone is not to blame or is not guilty of wrongdoing |
incriminate |
expend |
use up time, energy, effort or some other resource |
conserve |
explode |
blow up or burst with a sudden release of energy and a loud noise, or cause something to blow up or burst explosively |
implode |
fuse |
join together to create a whole |
separate |
impair |
lessen the strength or effectiveness of something |
enhance |
implicate |
show that someone or something played a part in a criminal or harmful activity |
exonerate |
incite |
stir up feelings in, or provoke action by, someone |
quell |
infect with |
contaminate or cause infection in a person or animal with a disease-producing agent |
inoculate against |
inflame |
excite someone to an intense emotion such as anger or jealousy |
assuage |
inherit |
receive something when a person dies in accordance with the terms of a will or as the result of a bequest |
bequeath |
invigorate |
fill someone or something with energy or life |
enervate |
liquefy |
become or cause something to become liquid |
congeal |
mollify |
calm or soothe someone who is angry or upset |
provoke |
obfuscate |
make something obscure or unclear |
illuminate |
observe |
comply with |
contravene |
persuade |
successfully urge someone to do something |
dissuade |
placate |
make someone less angry, upset or hostile |
exasperate |
play down |
represent something as being less important or significant than it is |
overstate |
provoke |
make someone feel angry or exasperated |
appease |
scrutinise |
examine someone or something closely and carefully |
flick through |
see out |
accompany someone who is leaving a room or building |
usher in |
share |
join with someone in using something |
monopolise |
slacken |
loosen or relax |
tauten |
stimulate |
cause a strong nervous reaction |
soothe |
subside |
become less active or intense |
erupt |
terminate |
come to an end, or bring something to an end |
commence |
vilify |
make malicious and abusive statements about someone |
praise |
violate |
act contrary to something such as a law, contract or agreement, especially in a significant way |
observe |
Positives and negatives
Transforming a word with a positive meaning into its antonym often entails adding a prefix (word beginning) meaning ’not’. Such prefixes include un-, non-, in- and dis- (for example, un kind, non- resident, in sensitive and dis appear).
Appearances can be misleading, however. There are some words beginning with un-, in-, etc. that look as if they should be negatives but in fact have no positive equivalent. Unwieldy, for example, means ’cumbersome’, but there is no opposite word wieldy to contrast with it. Disgruntled meaning ’unhappy’ may be used of, say, employees, but gruntled occurs only as a joke.
There are other words with prefixes that look as if they should be negative forms, but that don’t in fact express negation, that is, not being or doing something. For example, inhabitable, which means ’suitable to live in’, means the same as habitable rather than the opposite. This is because the in- in this instance derives from the Latin word for ’in’ rather than meaning ’not’. Similarly, passive and impassive both mean ’slow to react’, though in slightly different ways.
In the table below, the words listed in the left-hand column all begin with apparent ’not’ prefixes, but, for one reason or another, cannot be changed into an antonym simply by removing the prefix. The meaning of the word is shown in the middle column. A genuine possible antonym is shown after it, in the right-hand column.
Ten words beginning with im- and their opposites
Word |
Meaning |
Antonym |
immaculate |
spotlessly clean and neat |
dirty |
impassive |
showing no emotion |
expressive |
impeccable |
perfect and flawless |
flawed |
impecunious |
having little or no money |
well-off |
impertinent |
rude and disrespectful |
respectful |
implacable |
not possible to appease |
forgiving |
implicit |
not stated directly |
explicit |
implode |
collapse inwards |
explode |
impoverished |
poor |
wealthy |
impudent |
rude and disrespectful |
respectful |
Twenty words beginning with in - and their opposites
Word |
Meaning |
Antonym |
inadvertently |
accidentally |
deliberately |
inane |
stupid |
sensible |
incessant |
non-stop |
intermittent |
indefatigable |
untiring |
flagging |
indestructible |
impossible to break or destroy |
fragile |
indifferent |
not interested or sympathetic |
concerned |
indomitable |
impossible to defeat |
submissive |
inebriated |
drunk |
sober |
inept |
clumsy |
competent |
inert |
motionless |
active |
inevitable |
unavoidable |
avoidable |
inflammable |
liable to catch fire |
non-flammable |
inordinate |
excessive |
moderate |
insatiable |
impossible to satisfy |
easily satisfied |
inscrutable |
enigmatic or difficult to read |
transparent |
insufferable |
unbearable |
bearable |
intransigent |
stubbornly refusing to give in |
flexible |
intrepid |
fearless |
fearful |
invaluable |
indispensable or extremely valuable |
worthless |
invincible |
unbeatable or impossible to defeat |
vulnerable |
Twenty words beginning with un- and their opposites
Word |
Meaning |
Antonym |
unassuming |
modest |
self-important |
unavailing |
useless, ineffective |
successful |
unbending |
very stubborn |
flexible |
unceasing |
non-stop |
intermittent |
uncouth |
bad-mannered |
well-mannered |
undoubted |
beyond any doubt |
doubtful |
unflappable |
remaining calm |
agitated |
ungainly |
awkward and clumsy |
graceful |
unkempt |
messy and badly groomed |
well-groomed |
unnerved |
made nervous |
encouraged |
unprecedented |
never known or done before |
established |
unrest |
angry or violent protest |
order |
unruly |
hard to control |
well-behaved |
unscathed |
not harmed |
harmed |
unsightly |
ugly to look at |
attractive |
untoward |
unexpected, and unpleasant or inconvenient |
favourable |
unstinting |
generous |
sparing |
unswerving |
steady and unchanging |
unreliable |
unwieldy |
too big to handle easily |
manageable |
unwittingly |
unknowingly |
knowingly |