Write On - All the Write Moves

The write start - Jennifer Hallissy 2010

Write On
All the Write Moves

On a final note, I’ll quote my son, who told me emphatically, at the wise old age of four: “You know, things don’t have to be perfect to be just right.” So very true indeed, especially when it comes to learning to write.

In the early stages of writing, it’s much more important to help children learn the right process of forming letters, without focusing too heavily on the product. If my writing wishes could all come true, I would much rather see children learning all the right moves rather than achieving perfect penmanship at the expense of efficient, effective methods that will better serve them down the road.

Writing is “just right” when it flows easily from a child’s hand without excessive effort. Children’s minds should be free to focus on the content of their writing without getting overly bogged down by worrying about mechanics. Good habits learned early are the secret to pointing children in the right direction, writing-wise. And once our young writers are on their way, well, let’s just say they can pretty much write their own ticket to anywhere they want to go.