Systems of quadratic and linear equations - Quadratics - Passport to advanced math

PSAT/NMSQT Prep 2022 - Eggert M.D., Strelka A. 2022

Systems of quadratic and linear equations
Passport to advanced math


After this lesson, you will be able to:

· Solve a system of one quadratic and one linear equation

To answer a question like this:

In the xy-plane, two equations, image and image, intersect at points (0, 5) and (a, b). What is the value of −b?


You need to know this:

You can solve a system of one quadratic and one linear equation by substitution, exactly as you would for a system of two linear equations. Alternatively, if the question appears on the calculator section, you can plug the system into your graphing calculator.

You need to do this:

· Isolate y in both equations.

· Set the equations equal to each other.

· Put the resulting equation into the form image.

· Solve this quadratic by factoring, completing the square, or using the quadratic formula. (You are solving for the x-values at the points of intersection of the original two equations.)

· Plug the x-values you get as solutions into one of the original equations to generate the y-values at the points of intersection. (Usually, the linear equation is easier to work with than the quadratic.)


Start by isolating y in both equations to get image and image. Now, set the right sides of the equations equal and solve for x:


The question says that (0, 5) is one point of intersection for the two equations and asks for the y-value at the other point of intersection, so plug x = 1 into either of the original equations and solve for y. Using the linear equation will be faster:


So (a, b) = (1, −1). The question asks for −b, so grid in 1.

Try on Your Own

Directions: Take as much time as you need on these questions. Work carefully and methodically. There will be an opportunity for timed practice at the end of the chapter.

HINT: You can take a shortcut in Q26. There’s no need to isolate y in the second equation.


26. image If (x, y) is a solution to the system of equations shown here, what is the value of x2 ?

A. 6



D. 1,296

HINT: Don’t try to find solutions to all the systems in the answer choices of Q27. Backsolve instead.

27. One of the x-coordinates of the solutions to a system of equations is −8. Which of the following could be the system?

A. image



D. image

HINT: For Q28, what does it mean when a system of equations has only one solution?

28. Which system of equations has only one solution?

A. image



D. image

29. image Will the graph of image intersect the graph of image?

A. Yes, only at the vertex of the parabola

B.Yes, once on each side of the vertex

C.Yes, twice to the right of the vertex

D. No, the graphs will not intersect.