Agreement: modifiers - Spotting and fixing errors: sentence structure, punctuation, and agreement - PSAT Reading

PSAT/NMSQT Prep 2022 - Eggert M.D., Strelka A. 2022

Agreement: modifiers
Spotting and fixing errors: sentence structure, punctuation, and agreement
PSAT Reading


After this lesson, you will be able to:

· Identify and correct modifier agreement issues

· Identify and correct inappropriate uses of apostrophes

To answer a question like this:

Wind power development could potentially impact populations of several nocturnally migrating bird and bat species. During their seasonal migrations, 30 large numbers fly through the mountainous landforms used for wind turbine locations.



B.large amounts

C.many birds and bats

D. birds and bats

You need to know this:

A modifier is a word or phrase that describes, clarifies, or provides additional information about another part of the sentence. Modifier questions require you to identify the part of a sentence being modified and use the appropriate modifier in the proper place.

In order to be grammatically correct, the modifier must be placed as close to the word it describes as possible. Use context clues in the passage to identify the correct placement of a modifier; a misplaced modifier can cause confusion and is always incorrect on test day.

Note that a common way the PSAT tests modifiers is with modifying phrases at the beginning of a sentence. Just like any other modifier, the modifying phrase grammatically modifies whatever is right next to it in the sentence. For example, consider the sentence, While walking to the bus stop, the rain drenched Bob. The initial phrase, “While walking to the bus stop,” grammatically modifies “the rain,” creating a nonsense sentence; the rain can’t walk to the bus stop. The writer meant that Bob was walking to the bus stop, so the sentence should read, While walking to the bus stop, Bob was drenched by the rain.

Modifier/Modifying Phrase




Andre nearly watched the play for four hours.

Andre watched the play for nearly four hours.

in individual containers

The art teacher handed out paints to students in individual containers .

The art teacher handed out paints in individual containers to students.

A scholar athlete

A scholar athlete , maintaining high grades in addition to playing soccer were expected of Maya.

A scholar athlete , Maya was expected to maintain high grades in addition to playing soccer.

Adjectives and Adverbs

Use adjectives only to modify nouns and pronouns. Use adverbs to modify everything else.

· Adjectives are single-word modifiers that describe nouns and pronouns: Ian conducted an efficient lab experiment.

· Adverbs are single-word modifiers that describe verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs: Ian efficiently conducted a lab experiment.

Note that nouns can sometimes be used as adjectives. For example, in the phrase the fashion company’s autumn line, the word “fashion” functions as an adjective modifying “company” and the word “autumn” functions as an adjective modifying “line.”


When comparing similar things, use adjectives that match the number of items being compared. When comparing two items or people, use the comparative form of the adjective. When comparing three or more items or people, use the superlative form.

Comparative (two items)

Superlative (three or more items)

better, more, newer, older, shorter, taller, worse, younger

best, most, newest, oldest, shortest, tallest, worst, youngest

Possessive Nouns and Pronouns

Possessive nouns and pronouns indicate that something belongs to someone or something. In general, possessive nouns are written with an apostrophe, while possessive pronouns are not.

To spot errors in possessive noun or pronoun construction, look for ...



Two nouns in a row

The professors lectures were both informative and entertaining.

The professor’s lectures were both informative and entertaining.

Pronouns with apostrophes

The book is her’s.

The book is hers .

Words that sound alike

The three friends decided to ride there bicycles to the park over they’re where their going to enjoy a picnic lunch.

The three friends decided to ride their bicycles to the park over there where they’re going to enjoy a picnic lunch.


Use an apostrophe to. . .


Indicate the possessive form of a single noun

My oldest sister’s soccer game is on Saturday.

Indicate the possessive form of a plural noun

My two older sisters’ soccer games are on Saturday.

Indicate a contraction (e.g., don’t, can’t)

They’ve won every soccer match this season.

Note that plural nouns are formed without an apostrophe.



Sting ray’s are cartilaginous fish related to shark’s .

Sting rays are cartilaginous fish related to sharks .

There are many carnival’s in this area every summer.

There are many carnivals in this area every summer.

To check whether it’s is appropriate, replace it in the sentence with it is or it has. If the sentence no longer makes sense, it’s is incorrect. The following sentence is correct:

The tree frog blends perfectly into its surroundings; when it holds still, it’s nearly invisible.

Note that its’ and its’s are never correct.

You need to do this:

If the underlined portion includes a modifier, determine whether the modifier:

· Is placed correctly

o Is it as near as possible to the word it logically modifies?

o If it is not in the correct place, where should it be moved?

· Agrees with the word or words it is describing

o Does the sentence require an adjective or an adverb?

o Does the noun or pronoun show proper possession?

If the underlined portion includes an apostrophe, make sure it correctly indicates either possession or a contraction. If an apostrophe is missing, select the answer choice that places it in the correct location.


Make sure introductory modifiers are modifying the correct items. The introductory modifying phrase in this sentence is “During their seasonal migrations,” which must modify what directly follows it; as written, “large numbers.” It does not make sense that “numbers” migrate (as though you can see the number 17 flying across the sky). Eliminate (A) and (B), which make the same error. Even though both (C) and (D) correct the error, only choice (C) retains the original intended meaning: that numerous birds and bats migrate.

If modifiers give you trouble, study the information in this section and try these Drill questions before completing the Try on Your Own questions that follow. Edit each sentence to correct the modifier or apostrophe issue. Answers to the Drill can be found on the page after the Drill.


a. The colorfully impressive plumage of the tropical birds helped make the aviary the most popular destination at the zoo.

b. Since the gym is remodeling the womens locker room, I had to change into my workout clothes at home.

c. The players on the baseball team all felt an immense sense of relief after a hard-fought victory over there long-time rivals.

d. When asked if they preferred reality programs or news documentaries, viewers reported that reality programs were most entertaining.

e. Although normally considered a children’s toy, yo-yo performers are highly skilled professionals who can flawlessly execute impressive tricks.

Try on Your Own

Directions: Take as much time as you need on these questions. Work carefully and methodically. There will be an opportunity for timed practice at the end of the chapter.

Questions 31—36 refer to the following passage.

Madame Bovary

Some critics believe that Madame Bovary, the most famous novel by French author Gustave Flaubert, has a strange and subversive theme that undermines 31 its own medium: in short, they say that Flaubert’s masterpiece of fiction is a cautionary tale about the dangers of reading novels. As evidence, they point to its unsympathetic protagonist, Emma Bovary, who lives in her books and romanticizes the simplest aspects of daily life—for example, eating rich food and buying expensive clothing—as well as her relationships. 32 Emma cares only about her immediate physical gratification and material possessions rather than the well-being of her friends and family, becoming cruel, shortsighted, and constantly dissatisfied with real life. Her fantasies lead to her downfall: her relationship with her well-meaning but naive husband gradually disintegrates, her two adulterous affairs end in disaster, her constant borrowing leads her family to financial ruin, and her desire to die in a 33 glorious dramatic fashion leads instead to an unexpectedly agonizing three days of death throes. She expects too much from life and is punished horribly for it.

Certainly Emma’s flawed personality, as well as her literary obsession, contributes to her downfall, but it is interesting to note 34 that only Emma is the only character in the novel who habitually reads for pleasure. In fact, her husband spends the bulk of the story engaged in the mundane activities of daily life: running a business, tending to family members, maintaining the household. He is naive, admittedly, but happy—at least until Emma’s penchant for romance begins to interfere with his responsibilities. Therefore, there really are no other appropriate characters with whom to compare her, although we can point out that the characters making up the novel’s non-reading population tend to be 35 more socially responsible than Emma. Perhaps Madame Bovary, then, was not meant to be a criticism of fiction itself; rather, Flaubert intended his novel to be a caution against allowing suggestible characters like Emma to have access to novels. The permissive environment that the Bovarys permit in their household contributes to their downfall and social ruin; the 36 characters’ unwillingness to check Emma’s passions (and even their ignorance of the existence of such a problem) leads to the disintegration of their family.




D. their



B.Becoming cruel, shortsighted, and constantly dissatisfied with real life, friends and family do not affect Emma’s well-being as she cares only about her immediate physical gratification and material possessions.

C.Becoming cruel, shortsighted, and constantly dissatisfied with real life, Emma cares only about her immediate physical gratification and material possessions rather than the well-­being of her friends and family.

D. Caring only about her immediate physical gratification and material possessions, Emma’s friends and family become cruel, shortsighted, and constantly dissatisfied with real life.



B.gloriously dramatic fashion

C.dramatic glorious fashion

D. glorious dramatically fashion



B.that Emma is the only character in the novel who habitually reads for pleasure

C.that Emma is the character in the only novel who habitually reads for pleasure

D. that Emma is the character in the novel who only habitually reads for pleasure





D. most





D. characters’s

Drill answers from previous page:

Note: These are not the only ways to correct the sentences; your answers may differ.

a. The colorful, impressive plumage of the tropical birds helped make the aviary the most popular destination at the zoo.

b. Since the gym is remodeling the women’s locker room, I had to change into my workout clothes at home.

c. The players on the baseball team all felt an immense sense of relief after a hard-fought victory over their long-time rivals.

d. When asked if they preferred reality programs or news documentaries, viewers reported that reality programs were more entertaining.

e. Although the yo-yo is normally considered a children’s toy, yo-yo performers are highly skilled professionals who can flawlessly execute impressive tricks.