Upper level SSAT practice test - SSAT practice tests

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Upper level SSAT practice test
SSAT practice tests

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· Find a quiet place to take the test where you won’t be interrupted or distracted, and make sure you have enough time to take the entire test.

· Time yourself strictly. The online test has a built-in timer, but if you’re testing on paper, use a timer, watch, or stopwatch that will ring, and do not allow yourself to go over time for any section.

· Take a practice test in one sitting, allowing yourself breaks of no more than two minutes between sections.

· If you’re taking an online test, take your practice test online as well. Don’t forget to use scratch paper!

· If you’re taking the test on paper, use the attached answer sheets to bubble in your choices.

· Each bubble you choose should be filled in thoroughly, and no other marks should be made in the answer area.

· Make sure to double-check that your bubbles are filled in correctly!

Chapter 10 Upper level SSAT practice test

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Upper Level SSAT

Writing Sample

Time — 25 Minutes

1 Topic

Writing Sample

Schools would like to get to know you better through an essay you write. If you choose to write a personal essay, base your essay on the topic presented in A. If you choose to write a general essay, base your essay on the topic presented in B. Please fill in the circle next to your choice.

ImageWhat did an adult tell you to do that you now wish you had done?

ImageWhat is a technological development that has had a positive impact on society? Support your answer with reasons and examples.


Upper Level SSAT

Section 1

Time — 30 Minutes

25 Questions

Following each problem in this section, there are five suggested answers. Work each problem in your head or in the blank space provided at the right of the page. Then look at the five suggested answers and decide which one is best.

Note: Figures that accompany problems in this section are drawn as accurately as possible EXCEPT when it is stated in a specific problem that its figure is not drawn to scale.

Sample Problem:


(A) 586

(B) 596

(C) 696

(D) 1,586

(E) 1,686


1.If h = 2, and h, i, and j are consecutive even integers and h < i < j, what is h + i + j ?

(A) 3

(B) 5

(C) 9

(D) 10

(E) 12

2.If x = Image + Image + Image and y = Image + Image + Image, then x + y =

(A) 3

(B) 1

(C) Image

(D) Image

(E) Image

3.If the product of 412.7 and 100 is rounded to the nearest hundred, the answer will be

(A) 400

(B) 4,100

(C) 4,127

(D) 41,270

(E) 41,300

4.If Image of a number is 28, then Image of that number is

(A) 4

(B) 7

(C) 21

(D) 35

(E) 112

5.14 + 3 × 7 + (12 ÷ 2) =

(A) 140

(B) 125

(C) 65Image

(D) 41

(E) 20

6.Maggie wants to mail postcards to 25 of her friends and needs one stamp for each postcard. If she buys 3 stamps at a time, how many sets of stamps must she buy in order to mail all of her postcards?

(A) 3

(B) 8

(C) 9

(D) 10

(E) 25


7.How much more money was raised by the $10.00 candy than by the $5.00 candy?

(A) $32

(B) $50

(C) $75

(D) $125

(E) $200

8.What is the remainder when the square of 6 is divided by the cube root of 64?

(A) 0

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

(E) 5

9.An art gallery has three collections: modern art, sculpture, and photography. If the 24 items that make up the modern art collection represent 25% of the total number of items in the gallery, then the average number of items in each of the other two collections is

(A) 8

(B) 24

(C) 36

(D) 96

(E) 288

10.At Calvin U. Smith Elementary School, the ratio of students to teachers is 9:1. What fractional part of the entire population at the school is teachers?

(A) Image

(B) Image

(C) Image

(D) Image

(E) Image

11.The Ace Delivery Company employs two drivers to make deliveries on a certain Saturday. If Driver A makes d deliveries and Driver B makes d + 2 deliveries, then in terms of d, the average number of deliveries made by each driver is

(A) d

(B) d + 1

(C) d + 2

(D) Imaged + 2

(E) Imaged


12.Which of the following is equal to w ?

(A) 180 — v

(B) 180 + v

(C) 105

(D) 115

(E) 2v

13.Tracy goes to the store and buys only candy bars and cans of soda. She buys 3 times as many candy bars as cans of soda. If she buys a total of 24 items, how many of those items are candy bars?

(A) 3

(B) 12

(C) 18

(D) 21

(E) 24

14. Image

(A) Image

(B) Image

(C) Image

(D) Image

(E) Image

15.Of the following choices, which value for x would satisfy the equation Image + x > 1 ?

(A) Image

(B) Image

(C) Image

(D) Image

(E) Image

16.Given the equations 2x + y = 8 and z + y = 8, find the value of x.

(A) —8

(B) —4

(C) 4

(D) 16

(E) It cannot be determined from the information given.


17.A, B, and C are squares. The length of one side of square A is 3. The length of one side of square B is twice the length of a side of square A, and the length of one side of square C is twice the length of a side of square B. What is the average area of the three squares?

(A) 21

(B) 36

(C) 63

(D) 84

(E) 144

18.There are 12 homes on a certain street. If 4 homes are painted blue, 3 are painted red, and the remaining homes are green, what fractional part of the homes on the street are green?

(A) 7

(B) 5

(C) Image

(D) Image

(E) Image

19.Melissa lives 30 miles from work and Katy lives 40 miles from work. If Melissa and Katy work at the same office, how many miles apart do the girls live from each other?

(A) 10

(B) 35

(C) 50

(D) 70

(E) It cannot be determined from the information given.

20.If, at a fundraising dinner, x guests each donate $200 and y guests each donate $300, in terms of x and y, what is the total number of dollars raised?

(A) 250(x + y)

(B) 200x + 300y

(C) 250xy

(D) Image

(E) 500xy

21.A rectangular fish tank with dimensions 2 feet × 3 feet × 4 feet is being filled by a hose that produces 6 cubic feet of water per minute. At this rate, how many minutes will it take to fill the tank?

(A) 24

(B) 6

(C) 4

(D) 3

(E) 2

22.With 4 days left in the Mountain Lake Critter Collection Contest, Mary has caught 15 fewer critters than Natalie. If Mary is to win the contest by collecting more critters than Natalie, at least how many critters per day must Mary catch?

(A) 4

(B) 5

(C) 16

(D) 30

(E) 46

23.If 3xy = 23 and x is an integer greater than 0, which of the following is NOT a possible value for y ?

(A) 9

(B) 7

(C) 4

(D) 1

(E) —2

24.Adele, A, and Benjamin, B, are avid readers. If Adele and Benjamin together read an average of 200 pages in a day and Benjamin reads fewer pages than Adele, which equation must be true?

(A) A — 200 = 200 — B

(B) A = 200 and B = 200

(C) AB = 100

(D) A = 200 + B

(E) A + B = 200

25.$30.00 is taken off the price of a dress. If the new price is now 60% of the original price, what was the original price of the dress?

(A) $75.00

(B) $60.00

(C) $50.00

(D) $45.00

(E) $30.00





Upper Level SSAT

Section 2

Time — 40 Minutes

40 Questions

Read each passage carefully and then answer the questions about it. For each question, decide on the basis of the passage which one of the choices best answers the question.

The reading passages in this test are brief excerpts or adaptations of excerpts from published material. To make the text suitable for testing purposes, we may have, in some cases, altered the style, contents, or point of view of the original.


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1.The passage is mainly about

(A) the impact of nursing on the soldiers of the Crimean War

(B) Florence Nightingale and her influence on the profession of nursing

(C) the difference between nurses and midwives

(D) how Florence Nightingale earned the nickname “the lady with the lamp”

(E) why only females entered the profession of nursing

2.Which of the following was a method most people used to receive care before Florence Nightingale’s time?

(A) They would be cared for only by doctors.

(B) They would be cared for by their children.

(C) They were largely left uncared for.

(D) They were cared for by midwives.

(E) They were cared for by female relatives.

3.The style of the passage is most like that found in a(n)

(A) personal letter to a trusted friend

(B) anthology of short biographies of famous women

(C) history of nineteenth-century England

(D) textbook on medicine

(E) editorial written for a daily paper

4.According to the author, the primary reason that Florence Nightingale was able to open a school for nursing was that

(A) she was already famous for her work in the war

(B) her family was willing to finance her work

(C) she had gained notoriety as a difficult woman to challenge

(D) she had cared for many wealthy sick people herself

(E) she worked endless hours every night

5.According to the passage, all of the following could be said of nurses EXCEPT

(A) prior to Florence Nightingale, only midwives were trained

(B) Florence Nightingale raised the standards of their profession

(C) they are well-respected professionals today

(D) they are exceedingly well paid for their work

(E) prior to Florence Nightingale, their work was done often by female relatives


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6.As used in line 8, “agrarian” most nearly means

(A) testing

(B) private

(C) unequal

(D) farming

(E) aggressive

7.Which of the following can be inferred about the Diggers as described in the passage?

(A) They had a different political philosophy than the True Levellers.

(B) They allowed others to join them in their farming activities.

(C) They were skilled political speakers.

(D) They defeated the powerful landowners through military force.

(E) They were exceptional folk singers.

8.Which of the following was the most significant point of conflict between landowners and Diggers?

(A) The Diggers had the willingness but not the space on which to grow enough food to support themselves.

(B) Wealthy landowners in England at the time were usually violent.

(C) There was no agreement between Diggers and True Levellers.

(D) The quality of vegetables grown by the Diggers was inferior to that produced on wealthy estates.

(E) The local government did not have any authority in the dispute.

9.The passage is primarily about

(A) working hard even in challenging times

(B) social problems in England in the seventeenth century

(C) the inhumanity of wealthy English landowners

(D) Gerrard Winstanley’s ideas

(E) the brief history of an English community organization

10.According to the passage, what is the most significant difference between True Levellers and the Diggers?

(A) The True Levellers believed in farming private land, while the Diggers believed in farming public land.

(B) The True Levellers followed Gerrard Winstanley, while the Diggers had other leaders.

(C) There is no difference between the two groups, as the names refer to the same people.

(D) The True Levellers were accepted by landowners, while the Diggers were jailed.

(E) The True Levellers are not remembered in folk songs, while the Diggers are.


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11.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

(A) “How Mummies Were Preserved”

(B) “The Many Uses of the Flax Plant”

(C) “The Difference Between Seeds and Fibers”

(D) “The Types of Plant Life Around the World”

(E) “Ancient Sources of Oil and Linen”

12.The author suggests that ancient people raised flax primarily for

(A) its oil, used to preserve wood

(B) its oil, used as a rich source of nutrient

(C) its fabric, used for their clothes

(D) its fabric, used to wrap their dead

(E) its fabric and oil, for industrial uses

13.This passage sounds as if it were an excerpt from

(A) a letter to the Egyptians

(B) a book on plant life

(C) a scientific treatise

(D) a persuasive essay from an ecologist

(E) a friendly reminder to a politician

14.Which of the following questions is answered by the passage?

(A) Can the same plant be grown for the best fabric and the best oil?

(B) How did the Egyptians wrap their mummies?

(C) What temperature is optimal for growing flax?

(D) How is flax harvested?

(E) Is it possible to produce a new type of flax for fabric and oil production?

15.Which of the following is the author most likely to discuss next?

(A) How flax is used around the world today

(B) Other types of useful plants

(C) Other sources of oil

(D) The usefulness of synthetic fabrics

(E) The advantages of pesticides and crop rotation


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16.The primary purpose of this passage is to

(A) discuss the future of the Tower of London

(B) discuss the ramifications of using the Tower as a prison

(C) argue that the Tower is an improper place for crown jewels

(D) describe and discuss the history of the Tower of London

(E) debate the relative merits of the uses of the Tower in the past to the present

17.All of the following were uses for the Tower of London EXCEPT

(A) a place where money was made

(B) a palace for the royals

(C) a place where executions were held

(D) a place of religious pilgrimage

(E) a place where records were stored

18.Which of the following questions is answered by the passage?

(A) What controversy has surrounded the Tower of London?

(B) How much revenue does the Tower generate for England?

(C) In what year did construction on the Tower of London begin?

(D) What is the type of stone used in the Tower of London?

(E) Who was the most famous prisoner in the Tower?

19.When discussing the Tower of London, the author’s tone could best be described as

(A) bewildered

(B) objective

(C) overly emotional

(D) envious

(E) disdainful

20.Which of the following does the author imply about Rudolf Hess?

(A) He was executed at the Tower of London.

(B) He was one of the last prisoners in the Tower of London.

(C) He died an untimely death.

(D) He was a tourist attraction.

(E) He was respectful of the great Tower of London.

21.The author would most probably agree that

(A) the Tower of London is useful only as a tourist attraction

(B) the Tower of London could never be built today

(C) the Tower of London cannot generate enough revenue to justify its expenses

(D) the Tower of London has a complex history

(E) the prisoners at the Tower were relatively well treated


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22.Which of the following best expresses the author’s attitude toward the painting?

(A) It should be well protected so that it is not stolen again.

(B) It is difficult to preserve such old masterpieces.

(C) Its greatest appeal is the mystery surrounding it.

(D) There will never be a painter as great as Leonardo da Vinci again.

(E) Everyone should have a chance to own great art.

23.Which of the following is a fact from the passage?

(A) A good smile lasts only a few seconds.

(B) There is tremendous mystery surrounding which painter created Mona Lisa.

(C) Napoleon donated Mona Lisa to the Musée du Louvre.

(D) There has been some focus on Mona Lisa’s smile in artistic communities.

(E) All art historians agree that Mona Lisa is the greatest work of art in the world.

24.The author implies which of the following?

(A) A painting can be owned, but the powerful effect of a work of art is available to everyone who sees it.

(B) Leonardo da Vinci was hiding a secret that he wished to reveal through his painting.

(C) Mona Lisa has caused much turmoil in the art world due to its peculiar details.

(D) The Musée du Louvre does not have proper equipment in place for capturing modern criminals.

(E) The only detail viewers of Mona Lisa can later recall is her smile.

25.The author’s tone can best be described as

(A) appreciative

(B) investigative

(C) artistic

(D) confused

(E) indifferent


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26.The “progress” mentioned in line 2 most likely refers to

(A) the ability of a car to move forward

(B) technological advancement

(C) research

(D) the new types of fuels available

(E) the cost of the car

27.Which of the following is answered by the passage?

(A) What are some ways people use cars?

(B) Why did people laugh at the “horseless carriage”?

(C) Where will the fuels of the future come from?

(D) When will cars become even more efficient?

(E) How much money is spent on cars today?

28.The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) the problem of fuel consumption

(B) the difficulty of driving

(C) the invention of the car

(D) the development of the car from the past to now

(E) the future of automobiles

29.According to the passage, scientists devote much of their research today to

(A) making cars faster

(B) making more cars

(C) making cars more affordable

(D) making cars more fuel efficient

(E) making cars that hold more people

30.When discussing the technological advances of the early car, the author’s tone could best be described as

(A) proud

(B) hesitant

(C) informative

(D) pedantic

(E) sarcastic

31.The author would most likely agree that

(A) cars are incredibly useful to many different sorts of people

(B) the problems we face in the future are very important

(C) cars are more trouble than they are worth

(D) early car owners were all snobs

(E) we will never make the same technological advances as we did in the past


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32.The statements in lines 3—4 most likely mean

(A) the narrator is a farmer

(B) the place described is a battle site

(C) a crime took place at that site

(D) the farmers described were all killed

(E) it is a cold day

33.In the poem, the speaker claims which of the reasons for writing this poem?

I.to warn future generations about the horrors of war

II.to keep the memory of the great deeds of soldiers alive

III.to gain courage to fight himself

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) II and III only

(D) I and III only

(E) I, II, and III

34.The “votive stone” referred to in line 10 probably refers to

(A) a candle

(B) a weapon

(C) an old stone fence

(D) a war memorial

(E) a natural landmark

35.With which statement would the author most strongly agree?

(A) All war is in vain.

(B) Farming is a difficult life.

(C) It is important to remember the brave soldiers.

(D) How a man fights is as important as how he lives his life.

(E) A memorial is an insignificant way to remember the past.


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36.Which of the following is the primary purpose of the passage?

(A) to discuss the success of Puerto Rican actors on Broadway

(B) to suggest that José Ferrer was the best actor ever to play Cyrano de Bergerac

(C) to provide a synopsis of the career of a well-regarded American actor

(D) to contrast the history of theater with the history of television

(E) to compare two great Broadway actors, Paul Robeson and José Ferrer

37.The author would most likely agree with which of the following?

(A) Ferrer’s career was long because he was able to play many different roles.

(B) Ferrer regretted waiting years before he became a screen actor.

(C) Princeton University’s Triangle Club allowed Ferrer to learn from Jimmy Stewart and F. Scott Fitzgerald.

(D) Cyrano de Bergerac is the greatest role ever written for the Broadway stage.

(E) Cyrano de Bergerac was Ferrer’s favorite role to perform.

38.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

(A) Most members of the Triangle Club have successful acting careers.

(B) Ferrer was more honored by his Tony award than by his Emmy or Oscar.

(C) The record-setting run of Othello may have been in part due to Paul Robeson.

(D) Ferrer did not perform again on Broadway after he began performing in movies.

(E) Ferrer’s performance as Cyrano set a record that still stands today.

39.The author would most likely agree with all of the following EXCEPT

(A) Paul Robeson was seen by some as a very talented actor

(B) Ferrer is somewhat responsible for the success of the longest-running Broadway play in history

(C) some actors consider Cyrano de Bergerac a role they would like to perform

(D) it is difficult to win prestigious acting awards

(E) Ferrer’s successful performance in Othello was his first Broadway performance

40.Which of the following best describes the author’s attitude toward José Ferrer?

(A) indifference

(B) envy

(C) friendship

(D) isolation

(E) admiration





Upper Level SSAT

Section 3

Time — 30 Minutes

60 Questions

This section consists of two different types of questions. There are directions and a sample question for each type.

Each of the following questions consists of one word followed by five words or phrases. You are to select the one word or phrase whose meaning is closest to the word in capital letters.

Sample Question:


(A) lazy

(B) nice

(C) dry

(D) cold

(E) sunny



(A) bend

(B) deform

(C) color

(D) amuse

(E) occupy


(A) clean

(B) relaxing

(C) frown

(D) harsh

(E) irresponsible


(A) attempt

(B) recount

(C) diminish

(D) conserve

(E) forbid


(A) stark

(B) varied

(C) dreary

(D) rented

(E) huge


(A) plentiful

(B) ornate

(C) miserly

(D) severe

(E) empty


(A) stifle

(B) dissemble

(C) articulate

(D) rock gently

(E) praise highly


(A) emphasize

(B) strengthen

(C) revere

(D) diffuse

(E) surround


(A) efficiency

(B) accuracy

(C) authenticity

(D) propensity

(E) proprietary


(A) malleable

(B) powerful

(C) talented

(D) fearful

(E) trainable


(A) construct

(B) swindle

(C) depress

(D) frustrate

(E) reason


(A) constant

(B) amiable

(C) innate

(D) inconsistent

(E) caustic


(A) pacify

(B) replace

(C) inform

(D) expose

(E) surpass


(A) stubborn

(B) excessive

(C) ironic

(D) inhumane

(E) improper


(A) pack

(B) shorten

(C) grow

(D) remind

(E) reproach


(A) gullible

(B) novel

(C) sparse

(D) vulnerable

(E) providential


(A) obsolete

(B) plausible

(C) fabulous

(D) mundane

(E) superficial


(A) elusive

(B) unheralded

(C) esoteric

(D) worthy of blame

(E) sanctioned


(A) rejoice

(B) mitigate

(C) lament

(D) imply

(E) prevent


(A) compliment

(B) feast

(C) assert

(D) blame

(E) compose


(A) vengeance

(B) fear

(C) trust

(D) loathing

(E) cunning


(A) prompt

(B) unused

(C) deep

(D) secondary

(E) recessive


(A) deter

(B) force

(C) fight

(D) side with

(E) change


(A) renew

(B) suffuse

(C) dawdle

(D) compete

(E) impress


(A) in the future

(B) post war

(C) after death

(D) during the age of

(E) promptly


(A) colorless

(B) prudent

(C) misplaced

(D) unfortunate

(E) raising intelligent questions


(A) carnival

(B) fortune

(C) burial

(D) revival

(E) earlier time


(A) combustion

(B) infiltration

(C) perturbation

(D) equalization

(E) disintegration


(A) assessment

(B) leniency

(C) restitution

(D) annulment

(E) glorification


(A) stranded

(B) easily deceived

(C) distant

(D) assailable

(E) scheduled


(A) attraction

(B) rebuttal

(C) legal activity

(D) confirmation

(E) enthusiastic response

The following questions ask you to find relationships between words. For each question, select the answer choice that best completes the meaning of the sentence.

Sample Question:

Kitten is to cat as

(A) fawn is to colt

(B) puppy is to dog

(C) cow is to bull

(D) wolf is to bear

(E) hen is to rooster


Choice (B) is the best answer because a kitten is a young cat, just as a puppy is a young dog. Of all the answer choices, (B) states a relationship that is most like the relationship between kitten and cat.

31.Composer is to score as

(A) conductor is to orchestra

(B) operator is to telephone

(C) teacher is to classroom

(D) attorney is to trial

(E) author is to book

32.Stanza is to poem as

(A) sonnet is to play

(B) drama is to theater

(C) paragraph is to essay

(D) teacher is to class

(E) preface is to book

33.Sovereign is to monarchy as

(A) principal is to school

(B) assistants are to administrators

(C) project is to workers

(D) team is to crew

(E) state is to town

34.Cylinder is to can as

(A) circle is to square

(B) perimeter is to area

(C) cube is to dice

(D) line is to angle

(E) arc is to sphere

35.Laughter is to joke as

(A) read is to story

(B) question is to answer

(C) wince is to pain

(D) talk is to conversation

(E) cramp is to swim

36.Massive is to weight as

(A) gargantuan is to size

(B) acute is to hearing

(C) tender is to feeling

(D) simple is to thought

(E) foolish is to idea

37.Pint is to quart as

(A) cup is to teaspoon

(B) mile is to road

(C) measure is to recipe

(D) week is to year

(E) temperature is to thermometer

38.Scrawl is to writing as

(A) decipher is to code

(B) babble is to speaking

(C) carve is to stone

(D) tango is to dancing

(E) direct is to acting

39.Stoic is to emotion as

(A) serious is to concern

(B) soothe is to injury

(C) amorphous is to shape

(D) choke is to morsel

(E) breathe is to life

40.Frugal is to spending as

(A) fractious is to divisive

(B) impossible is to challenging

(C) unruly is to obedient

(D) warmth is to welcoming

(E) boastful is to pride

41.Integrity is to honesty as

(A) comprehension is to instruction

(B) fame is to happiness

(C) resolution is to determination

(D) severity is to compassion

(E) quotation is to report

42.Lily is to flower as

(A) oak is to birch

(B) needle is to thread

(C) forest is to deciduous

(D) season is to winter

(E) pine is to wood

43.Ship is to galley as

(A) wheel is to car

(B) fireplace is to heat

(C) lobby is to apartment

(D) house is to kitchen

(E) exhibit is to museum

44.Blooming is to rose as

(A) withered is to vine

(B) prolific is to weed

(C) fertile is to field

(D) edible is to corn

(E) ripe is to tomato

45.Mask is to face as

(A) coat is to fabric

(B) shoe is to foot

(C) belt is to leather

(D) hem is to skirt

(E) invitation is to party

46.Agenda is to meeting as

(A) clipboard is to paper

(B) rule is to order

(C) map is to car

(D) blueprint is to building

(E) gavel is to podium

47.Pathology is to disease as

(A) psychology is to mind

(B) chemistry is to science

(C) doctor is to coroner

(D) sadness is to anguish

(E) hospital is to nurse

48.Autobiography is to author as

(A) autograph is to signature

(B) self-sufficiency is to provision

(C) automation is to worker

(D) self-portrait is to artist

(E) autopsy is to doctor

49.Bird is to migration as

(A) parrot is to imitation

(B) ranger is to conservation

(C) bear is to hibernation

(D) lawyer is to accusation

(E) traveler is to location

50.Border is to country as

(A) perimeter is to area

(B) land is to owner

(C) road is to street

(D) area is to volume

(E) capital is to state

51.Patter is to rain as

(A) rainbow is to storm

(B) call is to telephone

(C) clank is to chain

(D) volume is to radio

(E) eruption is to volcano

52.Brazen is to tact as

(A) lethargic is to energy

(B) agile is to strength

(C) humongous is to size

(D) ancient is to time

(E) fallen is to grace

53.Taciturn is to words as

(A) thrifty is to money

(B) petty is to concern

(C) silly is to extras

(D) startled is to surprise

(E) trusting is to care

54.Scalpel is to surgeon as

(A) razor is to barber

(B) soil is to gardener

(C) chef is to skillet

(D) patient is to doctor

(E) bridge is to engineer

55.Storyteller is to listener as

(A) accompanist is to composer

(B) critique is to commentator

(C) banter is to humorist

(D) anthologist is to editor

(E) pantomime is to viewer

56.Gully is to erosion as

(A) drought is to precipitation

(B) mine is to excavation

(C) clot is to dispersion

(D) forest is to cultivation

(E) water is to inundation

57.Drip is to deluge as

(A) shine is to polish

(B) warm is to heat

(C) yearn is to wish

(D) smolder is to blaze

(E) bend is to straight

58.Lax is to resolution as

(A) hapless is to circumstance

(B) detrimental is to destruction

(C) deceitful is to sincerity

(D) vulnerable is to wound

(E) accessible is to rewarded

59.Hammer is to pound as

(A) vase is to flowers

(B) briefcase is to papers

(C) nail is to wood

(D) screwdriver is to tool

(E) jack is to raise

60.Lexicon is to words as

(A) transcribing is to reading

(B) tome is to libraries

(C) autobiographical is to books

(D) anthology is to works

(E) parchment is to pages





Upper Level SSAT

Section 4

Time — 30 Minutes

25 Questions

Following each problem in this section, there are five suggested answers. Work each problem in your head or in the blank space provided at the right of the page. Then look at the five suggested answers and decide which one is best.

Note: Figures that accompany problems in this section are drawn as accurately as possible EXCEPT when it is stated in a specific problem that its figure is not drawn to scale.

Sample Problem:


(A) 586

(B) 596

(C) 696

(D) 1,586

(E) 1,686


1.Image =

(A) Image

(B) Image

(C) Image

(D) Image

(E) Image


2.x =

(A) 30

(B) 60

(C) 90

(D) 120

(E) 300

3.If — 4 < x < 2, how many possible integer values for x are there?

(A) 6

(B) 5

(C) 4

(D) 3

(E) 2


4.The decrease in Kameo’s account balance from 2020 to 2021 equals what percent of Kameo’s account balance at the start of 2019 ?

(A) 100%

(B) 75%

(C) 66Image%

(D) 50%

(E) 25%

5.What is the sum of Image ?

(A) Image

(B) Image

(C) Image

(D) Image

(E) Image

6.Nikhil is making a playlist. He has two K-pop songs and four rap songs. He’s already decided to make the K-pop songs first and last and put the rap songs between them. How many different arrangements of songs can he make in this way ?

(A) 6

(B) 8

(C) 24

(D) 48

(E) 720

7.A large square box is made up of smaller square boxes. Each of these smaller boxes has a side length of 3 inches. How many of these smaller boxes are used to create the larger box if the larger box’s base has a perimeter of 36 inches?

(A) 9

(B) 27

(C) 36

(D) 64

(E) 108

8.Calculate 10xy2 when x = 4 and y = 5.

(A) 4

(B) 7

(C) 15

(D) 25

(E) 30

9.Which of the following fractions is greatest?

(A) Image

(B) Image

(C) Image

(D) Image

(E) Image


10.If x + y = z, then z =

(A) 180

(B) 90

(C) 60

(D) 45

(E) 30

11.Anita bowled a 100, a 120, and an 88 on her first three games. What must her score be on the fourth game to raise her average for the day to a 130 ?

(A) 80

(B) 95

(C) 102Image

(D) 145

(E) 212

12.There are 35 girls and 24 boys in a club. One quarter of the boys are wearing red shirts. Forty percent of the girls are wearing yellow shirts. How many more club members are wearing yellow shirts than red shirts?

(A) 1

(B) 3

(C) 8

(D) 9

(E) 12

13.36 is 16 percent of

(A) 25

(B) 52

(C) 112

(D) 125

(E) 225

14.Mr. Patterson pays $1,200 each month for a storage warehouse that measures 75 feet by 200 feet. What is the monthly cost per square foot?

(A) $0.08

(B) $0.75

(C) $0.80

(D) $8.00

(E) $450.00

15.The ratio of rhubarb plants to tomato plants in Jim’s garden is 4 to 5. If there is a total of 45 rhubarb and tomato plants all together, how many of these plants are rhubarb plants?

(A) 4

(B) 5

(C) 9

(D) 20

(E) 25

16.If m is a positive integer, and if 3 + 16 ÷ m is an integer less than 19, which of the following must be true of m?

(A) m = 19

(B) m is even.

(C) m = 16

(D) m is a prime number.

(E) m is a multiple of four.

17.If an item that is discounted by 20% still costs more than $28.00, the original price of the item must be

(A) less than $3.50

(B) less than $7.00

(C) less than $35.00

(D) equal to $35.00

(E) more than $35.00


18.What is the perimeter of triangle MNO?

(A) 3

(B) 9

(C) 18

(D) 27

(E) It cannot be determined from the information given.

19.It takes Alice between 2 and 2Image hours to drive home from college. If the trip is 100 miles, her average speed, in miles per hour, must always be between

(A) 10 and 20

(B) 25 and 30

(C) 30 and 35

(D) 40 and 50

(E) 50 and 60

20.What is the value of the underlined digit?


(A) 8 hundredths

(B) 8 tenths

(C) 8 ones

(D) 8 tens

(E) 8 hundreds


21.Over the entire week, Dr. Adams and Dr. Davis together saw what percent of the total number of patients seen by all four doctors?

(A) 16%

(B) 28%

(C) 44%

(D) 50%

(E) 88%

22.In the xy-coordinate plane, what is the solution to the following system of equations ?

y = —5x + 4

y = 2x — 3

(A) (—1, —5)

(B) Image

(C) Image

(D) (1, —1)

(E) (1, 1)

23.A store sells mints for 50¢ each or $4.80 for a case of 12 mints. The cost per mint is what percent greater when the mints are purchased separately than when purchased in a case?

(A) 10%

(B) 20%

(C) 22%

(D) 25%

(E) 30%

24.Michael sells chocolate covered bananas. On average, he sells 130 chocolate covered bananas each day. Michael is looking to expand his business and runs a special on bananas purchased after 4 P.M. Customers will pay only $3.00 rather than $4.00 for a chocolate covered banana. In order to maintain his current revenue, what is the minimum number of $3.00 bananas Michael needs to sell if he sells 40 $4.00 bananas each day?

(A) 90

(B) 120

(C) 130

(D) 170

(E) 360

25.If the length of one of the legs of a right triangle is decreased by 10%, and the length of the other leg is increased by 20%, then what is the approximate percent change in the area of the triangle?

(A) 2%

(B) 8%

(C) 10%

(D) 15%

(E) 18%