Answer sheet

Gruber's Essential Guide to Test Taking: Grades 6-9 - Gruber Gary R. 2019

Answer sheet

Complete Mark images Examples of Incomplete Marks images







Part 1: Reading

8 Minutes

Read the following passage and answer the questions.

The school principal was offering a gold pen to anyone who could drop an egg from the roof of the school without the egg breaking. Sally made a parachute from an old cloth and tied the cloth to a plastic cup. To protect

5the egg from hard knocks, she lined the cup with cotton balls, putting the egg inside the cup. Everybody made some sort of contraption, but Sally’s was by far the most interesting and promising. Everybody dropped their egg-contraption. When Sally dropped hers, there

10was a strong breeze at the time, but the parachute opened smoothly. A little ways down, however, the plastic cup turned upside down and the egg fell out and broke on the ground. Although nobody won the prize, Sally had realized how to improve on her contraption,

15was excited to try again, and was determined that she would win the prize the next try.


1.Which is the best title for the story?

(A)“The Gold Pen”

(B)“A Strange Contest”

(C)“Sally’s Parachute”

(D)The Strong Breeze”

2.What could have made the cup turn over?

(A)too small an egg

(B)possible collapse of the parachute

(C)the wind

(D)cotton balls in the wrong place in the cup

3.What was Sally’s feeling after her egg broke on the ground?





4.What prize was being offered to the winner?

(A)an egg

(B)a new cloth

(C)a parachute

(D)a pen

5.The word “promising” in the third paragraph of the story refers to

(A)the principal guaranteeing the winner of the golden pen

(B)the feeling that nobody would win the prize

(C)the likelihood that Sally’s parachute invention would win the prize.

(D)Sally’s determination to win

6.Which is an assumption and not a fact in the story?

(A)The principal was offering a golden pen to the winner.

(B)The feeling that anyone could win the prize.

(C)There was a strong breeze when Sally dropped her egg.

(D)Sally would win the contest on the next try.

Part 2: Writing

6 Minutes

In each of the following sentences there may be an error in wording. If there is an error, choose the underlined part that should be changed in order to make the sentence correct. No sentence has more than one error, and some have none. If there is no error, choose D.


They images to the party tomorrow images

Here you would choose A, since the underlined word marked A is incorrect.

1.images all my three brothers, John images the images soccer player. images

2.Sam dropped images money on the sidewalk; however, when he looked for it, he images find it images. images

3.The coins images so strange images we couldn’t decide where images came from. images

4.You images see not images a beautiful sunset images also see a gorgeous sunrise. images.

5.John was sure images he images arrived at school on time, but it images that he was late. images.

6.Some things images read carefully, others less carefully, and images others not images. images.

Part 3: Vocabulary

8 Minutes

Choose the best answer from the choices.

1.The meaning of PREVIEW is

(A)to show

(B)to see before

(C)to gather

(D)to get into one group

2.The meaning of MALADY is

(A)female person




3.The meaning of THERMAL is





4.The meaning of INTRANSIGENT (hint: use the prefix “in” as not) is



(C)not compromising

(D)not able to swim

5.The meaning of DELUDE is

(A)to watch

(B)to help

(C)to see

(D)to fool

6.Which words contain the same prefix? (i) misnomer (ii) mislead (iii) missle (iv) mystify (A) i, ii, iii only (B) i, ii, iii, iv (C) i, ii only (D) ii only 7. If the root GEN means animal or of an animal type, the meaning of PROGENY could be

(A)son or daughter




8.Which is not always or not mostly true: The prefix (A) PRO means forward

(B)RE means back

(C)ANTI means against

(D)IN means not

9.If the prefix CIRCUM means around and VEN means to go, then the OPPOSITE of CIRCUMVENT means

(A)to watch closely

(B)to go quickly

(C)to go immediately

(D)to go in a direct manner

10.Which of the following words impart a “bad” or “negative” meaning? For example, HORRIBLE imparts a “bad” meaning because a part of the word, HOR means “tremble.”





Part 4: Math

30 Minutes

1.13/25 is what percent?





2.In the subtraction problem, 205 — 99, it is easiest to do which of the following?

(A)205 — 99

(B)204 — 100

(C)206 — 100

(D)205 — 100 = 105 + 1


(A)8 hours

(B)8 hours 20minutes

(C)8 hours 30 minutes

(D)8 hours 40 minutes

4.5½ × 3½ 5

(A)8 ¼

(B)15 ¼

(C)15 ½

(D)19 ¼

5.John has 24 baseball cards. He gives 10 of them to Mary and 4 more to Harry. If he sells the remainder of them for 5 cents each, how much money does he receive?

(A)50 cents

(B)60 cents

(C)70 cents

(D)80 cents

6.1/2 cup of water is mixed with 2/3 cups of orange juice to make orangeade. How many cups of orangeade are made?

(A)1 cup

(B)1 1/6 cups

(C)1 1/4 cups

(D)1 1/2 cups

7.Without a calculator, one step in the process of the easiest way to figure out what is 25% of 160 would be to

(A)multiply 25 × 160

(B)reduce 25% to its equivalent fraction

(C)double 25 and half 160

(D)change 25% to the decimal 0.25 and then multiply this decimal by 160

8.Harry has $15. He gives Mary $10 and Mary gives Paul $5. Paul then gives Harry $2. How much does Harry now have?





9.To find out the closest approximation to 8.1 × 8.9, you would do which of the following if you are given the choices to be either 60,70 80, 90 or 100.

(A)I would multiply 8.1 × 8.9, then round off

(B)I would multiply 8 × 8.9 or 8.1 × 9 then round off

(C)I would multiply 8 × 9 then round off

(D)I would divide the choices 60,70,80,90,100 by 8.9 and see which one gives me 8.1

10.An odd number times an odd number then added to an even number gives me

(A)an odd number

(B)an even number


(D)either an even or an odd number

11.2/3 of a number is 6. The number is





12.The hand of the clock to the right goes from 0 to 1, 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 0, 0 to 1, and so forth. Every time it goes from quarter to the next (that is from 0 to 1, from 1 to 2, etc.) a dollar comes out of the clock. If the hand starts at 0 and travels around so that $173 dollars come out of the clock, where is the hand pointing as the 173rd dollar comes out?






13.5 is what percent of 10?





14.A recipe calls for 1 cup of sugar to 6 cups of water. How much water is needed for 2 ½ cups of sugar?





15.What is the area of the shaded region if the area of the small circle is 12 and the area of the large circle is 20?





(D)cannot tell

16.In the figure below, CD and BC are the same length. ED and AE are also the same length. What is the perimeter of the figure?






17.The bar graph below describes the cost of various items used in a particular recipe. What item costs approximately 60 percent of the total cost for all of the items?





(D)other vegetables

The following two questions refer to the graph below.


18.The contribution from Washington Junior High School was what part of the contributions from the other schools?





19.What contribution did Lincoln Junior High School make?





20.There are 24 girls at a party. The ratio of boys to girls at the party is 3 to 4. How many boys are there at the party?



