Overview of the math section - Introduction to the mathematics section

CliffsNotes CBEST - BTPS TESTING Ph.D., Jerry Bobrow Ph.D. & 8 more 2021

Overview of the math section
Introduction to the mathematics section

Suggested time: 80 minutes · 50 multiple-choice questions

To do well on the CBEST mathematics section, you must demonstrate competence in math reasoning and general math concepts. These basic math skills are necessary for teachers to average grades, read charts and graphs, understand diagrams, and interpret test results.

Most questions are presented as word problems, and you will be asked to apply reasoning skills to everyday scenarios as you reason quantitatively to solve the problems. A cumulative knowledge of basic mathematics is necessary for this section of the CBEST—math from elementary grades through at least one year of high school, and possibly one year of college. Thus, no single math course can prepare you specifically for this part of the test.