Learn from sources - Ten strategies for creative source engagement - The parts of ten

APA style and citations for dummies - Joe Giampalmi 2021

Learn from sources
Ten strategies for creative source engagement
The parts of ten

Source engagement is a gift that continues to give. Researching sources for engagement offers an opportunity to discover experts’ theories and opinions that apply to topics beyond the project you are working on. For example, while researching for sources, I recently discovered a researcher’s theory that writing places a demand on the working memory, the brain location that stores on-demand information used in the writing process.

When the working memory reaches the half-tank level, writing will be compromised. The number of ideas located in the working memory corresponds with ideas that are available to incorporate into the writing. The researcher discovered that conflicting demands on the working memory — such as younger students struggling to form letters or older students allocating working memory to recall grammar and punctuation rules — reduced working memory that was available to apply to writing fluency.