Set 46 - I won’t trade you for the world

Advanced English Conversations (2) - Robert Allans, Matt Edie, A. Mustafaoglu 2020

Set 46 - I won’t trade you for the world

Kathy: Time moves fast when I'm close to you. I’m so grateful you’re in my life, darling.

Simon: Wow; So pleased to hear that. You too baby, you make me feel so right. I just lose track of time when I’m close to you. I won’t trade you for the world.

Kathy: You made me see things with a new slant. And I do love your sense of humor. You just know how to put a smile on my face.

Simon: I consider our marriage a blessing. Everything’s running smoothly.

Kathy: One of my friends got married years ago. She had a smooth sailing life till she had a baby. Her whole world changed into a hell. Arguments about work, babysitting and the like made their lives a misery and eventually they broke up.

Simon: Well; level-headed people are good at learning how to avoid rocky roads and bumps. So, let’s be ahead of the game and take the necessary precautions to avoid falling in that trap.

Kathy: Yes, let’s do it. I’ve got your back.


trade sb/sth for sb/sth: to exchange or swap someone or something for sb or sth else.

a new slant: a unique angle, approach, or perspective toward something.

sense of humor: the ability to create/appreciate jokes and say funny things.

smooth sailing: progress or advancement that is free from hassle and easy to achieve.

make one’s life a misery: to make somebody’s life very unpleasant or difficult.

level-headed: (adjective) calm, sensible and practical.

bump: a problem or setback.

ahead of the game: ahead of one's competitors or peers in the same sphere of activity.

precaution: an action taken to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous from happening.

fall in a trap: to think or behave in a way which is not wise or sensible.

have (got) someone’s back: to be willing or prepared to offer support or assistance to someone.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrases or words;

1. I can't believe the team .......... their star quarterback for some rookie no one's ever heard of.

2. A healthy .......... of humor is also one of the most effective stress busters available helping people distance themselves from their workplace stressors maintain a more balanced perspective and overcome obstacles.

3. He never fell into the .......... of making friends with his employees.

4. Many people have been stockpiling food as a .......... against shortages.

5. It's hard to stay ahead of the .......... in network security when the threat landscape is constantly changing.

6. Don't worry about those thugs, buddy. I've got your .......... ever come bother you again.

7. Once he began coaching my volleyball team, I found him to be a great coach and a kind and level - .......... man.

8. The greatest feeling of success is when you have experienced .......... along the road to your success, and you have overcome the obstacles on your journey to success.

9. There's a group of bullies who love making our life a ..........

10. The project was not .......... sailing because most primary schools were not designed to accommodate ICT learning.

11. We want to hire an executive who will bring a new .......... to the direction of the company.

1. traded 2. sense 3. trap 4. precaution 5. game 6. back 7. headed 8. bumps 9. misery 10. smooth 11. slant