Set 47 - I’m damned if I do, damned if I don’t

Advanced English Conversations (2) - Robert Allans, Matt Edie, A. Mustafaoglu 2020

Set 47 - I’m damned if I do, damned if I don’t

Peter: You’d better break silence on the reason behind the warehouse scandal. If someone else gave the game away, you’ll wind up in prison.

Just so you know.

Mike: I know, but it’s easier said than done. Isn’t it? This is one-in-a- lifetime chance to win the confidence of the board and climb up the ladder. If I revealed the facts, I’d be dismissed on the spot. Obviously;

I’m damned if I do, damned if I don’t.

Peter: Come on! Don’t waver. You’ve got to man it up! All you need to do is to bring it up in the meeting and let things take their own course.

Mike: I wish I could wash my hands of the whole matter. I was an idiot when I took Fred at his word. That no-good lair set me up.

Peter: Oh; really? You’re in no position to point the finger right now.

Just think how you can figure an avenue of escape.

Mike: Oh man. I just feel I’m digging my own grave.

Peter: That’s what you get out of poking your nose in stuff none of your concern!


break silence: to give information about a topic that no one was mentioning or discussing.

give the game away: to reveal something that was meant to be kept secret, especially a plan.

Just so you know: just want to let you know.

once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: opportunity afforded to one that is or seems unlikely to ever come about again.

climb up the ladder: to become more and more successful or important.

be damned if I do, damned if I don’t: o be in a situation in which every action (or inaction) could potentially cause one trouble.

man up: o deal with something in a more brave, stoic, or masculine way.

bring something up: to mention something.

wash one’s hands of: to distance oneself from responsibility for something or someone.

set someone up: to deceive someone so that they do or fall victim to something.

point the finger: to accuse somebody of doing something.

an avenue of escape: a way or path out of something.

dig one’s own grave: to do something foolish which causes one's downfall.

poke one’s nose in: to be involved in or insert oneself in an intrusive or nosy manner.

none of one’s concern: that’s something that does not involves or important to someone.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrases or words;

1. The group also urged the democratic minds in India to .......... silence and express solidarity with the families of the missing persons.

2. It's my life and if I choose to shave off all my hair and disguise myself as a man to join the army, then it is .......... of your concern.

3. It is dumb to point the .......... at the government and generalize.

4. Many of the tropical scenes were created as an .......... of escape from everyday life.

5. I'm afraid that if I tell my parents what I've done, they will .......... their hands of me.

6. I know I'm afraid I'm .......... my own grave by turning down the manager’s offer.

7. This issue carries a lot of shame, so the therapist won't .......... it up.

8. Don’t take note of such adverts. There are too many dealers trying to .......... you up.

9. You need to .......... up and tell your boss that you expect a raise for all the hard work you do!

10. There's no need for the sort of competitive behavior you get at companies where people are trying to .......... up the ladder.

11. Don't poke your .......... into your brother's affairs—he can manage well enough on his own.

12. This will be a once-in-a-.......... opportunity for thousands of fans to see the most iconic symbol in football and share their passion for the game.

13. They were trying to sneak up on the other team, but John's bright T- shirt gave the .......... away.

14. None of us is free to pick you up from the airport. You’ve to get back on your own. Just so you ..........

15. I can't make a decision. I'm. ......... if I do go back, damned if I go forward. Damned if I do, damned if I don't.

1. break 2. none 3. finger 4. avenue 5. wash 6. digging 7. bring 8. set 9. man 10. climb 11. nose 12. lifetime 13. game 14. know 15. damned