14. Changing the Subject - 1. Opening Gambits

Conversation Gambits - Eric Keller, Sylvia T Warner 1988

14. Changing the Subject
1. Opening Gambits

Work in small groups— minimum 4 maximum 10 Sit in a circle One person starts by saying the first thing that comes to mind about last weekend.

For example 1 didn't get much work done last weekend.

The next person changes the subject using a phrase from the list

Talking of weekends, we re thinking of having a party next weekend.

Continue till all the ideas are finished, then start again with your own ideas

If someone cannot say something they drop out of the game The winner is the person left when everyone else has dropped out


Talking of...

That reminds me ...

1By the way,

Oh, before I forget, ...

1. This is also used to “interrupt yourself”, when you remember something you want to tell the other person and digress on to it