42. Generalising - 2. Linking Gambits

Conversation Gambits - Eric Keller, Sylvia T Warner 1988

42. Generalising
2. Linking Gambits

We all have irritating habits — at least in the eyes of other people! Pick a partner — if possible of the opposite sex Your partner has just suggested that you ought to get married. You don't think you are suitable. Use one of the excuses below — an irritating habit Use more and more of the habits to try to persuade your partner that marriage is not for you

When your partner is persuaded, change roles. You can use the following ideas or your own. Use the words and phrases from the list.

Irritating habits

1. I sleep with the window wide open even in the middle of winter.

2. I sing very loudly in the bath.

3. I quite often don't go to bed till 3 or 4 in the morning.

4. I can't cook at all I'm happy with a hamburger I don’t like foreign food.

5. I am very moody. When 1 get up 1 can be in a great mood, but by lunchtime I can be so depressed that I have to go to the doctor.

6. I love to listen to very loud rock music — so loud that I can feel the room shake.

7. I talk in my sleep.

8. I snore very loudly.

9. I like to keep my flat cool. My room is never more than 15°.

10. I don’t have a bath very often.

11. I smoke in bed.

12. I seldom do the dishes. I just let them pile up.


1. What is the secret of a good marriage?

2. Which habits would annoy YOU in someone else?

3. Which of YOUR habits would you try to stop if you got married?


As a rule,




Most of the time

Again and again

Time and again

Less frequent

Every so often

From time to time

Every now and then