56. Inkblots - 3. Responding Gambits

Conversation Gambits - Eric Keller, Sylvia T Warner 1988

56. Inkblots
3. Responding Gambits

What do you see in these inkblots? Some people see people, animals, faces or trees Some people can't see anything at all

Work in pairs and tell each other what you can see. If you can't see anything at all, try to relax, and let your imagination work. React to each other's ideas using a phrase from the list.

Finally, share your ideas together with the whole class.

For example:

Maria said she saw two horses laughing at each other in the seventh inkblot.

—That's what I thought too!


I see a cat looking through some bushes.




When you are surprised


Are you joking?


Where? Show me.

I can’t see that.



When you agree

So 2do I.

Me too!

That’s what I thought too!

But that’s what I was going to say.

1. This expression is often used to make the other person say more This single word is usually enough to do that.

2. Or, you repeat the other person’s auxiliary verb So can I