Man/Woman on the street - English conversation games and activities for higher level students

49 ESL Conversation Games & Activities - Jackie Bolen 2020

Man/Woman on the street
English conversation games and activities for higher level students

Skills: Speaking/Listening

Time: 10-15+ minutes

Level: High-Beginner to Advanced

Materials Required: Laminated question cards

In this activity, each student takes a turn as the reporter, asking a current events question from a card, and the group members answer as a man/woman on the street. Begin with a discussion of the news and man/woman on the street interviews, and/or prep a few clips of such interviews (consider including a funny one or two such as “Jaywalking with Jay Leno”), or clips from ELLLO ( which are non-native speakers. Divide students into small groups and give each member of the group a different question card—the various groups can have the same pool of cards.

Tips for Increasing Interaction:

With higher-level students, consider requiring that students ask some follow-up questions based on the answer from each person.

Another way to increase interaction and to give students a reason to listen to the answers is to have them report back to the class what the general consensus among the group members was for each question.


1. In advance, prepare question cards with one current events question on each card. Laminate them, if you want to use them with more than one class. Optionally, prepare a few clips of man/woman on the street interviews to show a few examples to students.

2. Begin class with a discussion of the news, specifically, man/woman on the street interviews.

3. Explain to the class that they will take turns being a reporter and the man/woman on the street.

4. Divide students into groups of 4-5 and give each group enough question cards for each student to have a different question.

5. To make this into a shorter activity, have each reporter choose a different man/woman on the street, so each group member asks and answers one question each.

6. To extend the activity, have a group discussion after about the different opinions on current events held by the class members.