Chapter 24. Review - Part 2 Academic Words

Active Vocabulary General and Academic Words - Amy E. Olsen 2013

Chapter 24. Review
Part 2 Academic Words

Focus on Chapters 20-23

The following activities give you the opportunity to further interact with the vocabulary words you’ve been learning. By taking tests, answering questions, using visuals, doing a crossword puzzle, and working with others, you will see which words you know well and which ones need additional study.


1 Match each term with its synonym in Set One and its antonym in Set Two.


Set One

1. rectify   a. related

2. pertinent  b. correct

3. obsession  c. discuss

4. complement d. fascination

5. confer   e. balance


Set Two

6. deficiency  f. deteriorate

7. defer   g. split

8. underlying  h. advance

9. revitalize  i. later

10. consolidate j. excess

2 Pick the word that best completes each sentence.

1. The bank was such an impressive ... that people felt confident leaving their money there.

a. obsession

b. antidote

c. deficiency

d. edifice

2. I am working with a therapist to conquer my shyness. It is a(n) ... that keeps me at home at nights when I would like to be out meeting new people.

a. anemia

b. inhibition

c. urban

d. claustrophobia

3. The club president decided fee meeting would ... at 6 a.m.; I hope I can get every­one to come that early.

a. convene

b. complement

c. endure

d. consolidate

4. It was easy to write a ... once I got started, and organizing the information about my past jobs and education helped me think about what I want to do with my future.

a. resume

b. gateway

c. seminar

d. transformation

5. This job was supposed to be a ... to a more exciting position in the company, but I have been stuck here for three years.

a. longevity

b. seminar

c. transformation

d. gateway

6. There are only a ... number of hours in the day, and I don't think I have learned how to effectively use all of them.

a. panoramic

b. pertinent 

c. finite  

d. subtle

7. I feel it is essential to ... with every family member about important choices in our lives. Everyone has a valuable viewpoint to bring to the decision-making process.

a. rectify

b. confer

c. defer

d. undergo

8. I found the ... on easy ways to create better eating habits to be quite informative.

a. obsession

b. edifice

c. seminar

d. complement

3 Pick the vocabulary word that best completes the sentence. Use each word once.






1. The music was ... . It softly played in the background giving the restaurant a romantic air, but it wasn't so loud that we couldn't easily hold a quiet conversation.

2. Bev's house is a(n) ... display of time periods. She has furnishings from every decade in the twentieth century.

3. I had to go to the library to check out the ... materials my instructor had put on reserve. The books weren't required, but she said they would be helpful to look over.

4. I consider Grill the Right Way the ... source when I have a question about barbequing.

5. There had to be a(n) ... reason as to why Yoshito was so upset. He didn't do great on his test, but his score was still good.

4 Complete the following sentences that illustrate collocations. The rest of the collocation is in italics. Use each word or phrase once.

the point


reached a


use of



1. Going shoe shopping with my sister was a traumatic ... . After we spent six hours at three stores, she bought only one pair of shoes.

2. Now that I am working two jobs and going to college, I have learned how to make judicious ... my time.

3. The committee ... consensus on how to spend the money after three hours of intense discussion.

4. A nutritionist has helped me to develop a comprehensive ... to lose weight.

5. We drove by our old house, and the new owners have given it a ... transformation.

They added a second story, built a porch, and put in a huge flower garden out front.

6. The doctor said I could be suffering from a deficiency ... an essential vitamin or mineral, so he recommended I get a blood test done.

7. My mother said she would not belabor ... that I should call more often, but then over the next two weeks she e-mailed and texted me reminders to call her.

5 Fill in the missing meaning for the underlined word part.








to fill

1. I enjoy climbing the hill near my house in the evening because it gives me a panoramic view of the town below. I can see ... I traveled during the day.

2. One of the best gifts parents can ... to a child is a love of reading. Fortunately, my parents endowed a fondness for books by taking me the library since I was three.

3. My husband finally realized that there is finite room in the garage. He says that he will ... his purchases of new tools so that he actually has space to work in there.

4. When I was little, my mom said she had an antidote for boredom: She handed me a book. Since then I have found that books fight ... every type of boredom.

5. I usually take a supplementary job during the winter ... in for a shortage of in­come at that time of year.

6. I suffer from claustrophobia, so I don’t like to ... the door to my bedroom. The room is small, arid I feel confined with the door shut.

7. I have discovered that my optimum study time is at seven. I am at my ... after I have eaten dinner but before it gets late.

8. Because I am often tired, I wonder if I might be suffering from some type of ... such as anemia.

6 Finish the story using the vocabulary words below. Use each word once.

Vocabulary list













Just Relax

For over a year, I had been suffering from various aches and pains, but several doctors couldn’t find an exact cause. The pain I sometimes had to (1)... was unbear­able. I was ready to (2)... any type of surgery or procedure available to feel better. My friend then told me about a spa that uses nontraditional healing methods. She said that the (3)... of some of the clients there was simply amazing. She had heard that at least three dozen of them were over 110. I was ready to try anything to (4)... my problems, so that afternoon I went home and signed up for a week’s stay.

When I arrived, I was surprised to find a beautiful court­ yard filled with birds. The serene scene set the tone for my treatments. I felt like I was entering the (5)of master healers. In my initial consultation with a doctor, she noted that I might be (6)... feelings that were bringing on my pains. She said we would (7)... in the aromatherapy room at 9 a.m. to begin my treatments.

After that first session, it was (8)... to me that the spa was going to help. I al­ready felt a (9)but definite relaxation in my entire body. In the afternoon, I joined a therapy session where we all shared (10)... experiences we had undergone at some point in our lives. People told about being in car accidents, losing a loved one, and falling off cliffs. At first I didn’t see how this session was (11)... to my health, but I actually felt physi­cally better after sharing. During my week stay, I enjoyed herbal wraps, massages, and acupunc­ture treatments. I continued to feel better and better after each session. I knew I wasn’t quite at my (12)... health when I left, but I was much closer to it than I had been in years.

Interactive Exercise

Answer the following questions to further test your understanding of the vocabulary words.

1. What is something (a place, an item, a quality) you want to revitalize?

2. What is there a deficiency of in your life? What could be a gateway to fixing this deficiency?

3. What are two hardships you have had to undergo?

4. What two feelings do you think people most often suppress?

5. If you were to use an eclectic design in your house, what styles would you pick?

6. Would you say you are judicious in your spending habits? Explain why you are or aren’t.

7. What do you see as three possible benefits to urban living?

8. What are two things people commonly have obsessions about?

9. Where would you go in your area to enjoy a panoramic view?

10. List three kinds of people (i.e., a friend) someone would confer with if he or she was having a problem.

11. If you and four of your friends were given half a million dollars to give away, where would you choose to endow the money? Would it be easy for the five of you to reach a consensus?

12. What is one of your antidotes for relieving sadness or disappointment?

Word visions

Story Forming

Select either photograph, and write a short story (one to two paragraphs) using the picture as inspiration. You can let your imagination go with this exercise. Use at least six of the vocabulary words below in the story. Feel free to add word endings (i.e., -s, -ing, -ly) if needed. Share the story with your classmates—read your stories aloud or pass them around to read silently. Then discuss how the same picture produces different stories and different uses of the words.

Vocabulary list

apparent complement

domain  edifice

endure  endow

finite  inhibition

judicious optimum

resume  revitalize

seminar urban

underlying transformation

Crossword puzzle

Use the following words to complete the crossword puzzle. Use each word once.

Vocabulary list

anemia  eclectic

antidote  longevity

belabor  obsession

claustrophobia panoramic

comprehensive pertinent

consensus  rectify

consolidate  subtle

convene  supplementary

defer   suppress

definitive  undergo


2. Howard Hughes had this about washing his hands.

4. to experience or to suffer

5. opposite of rush

10. "I’m glad we all agree."

12. fear of enclosed places

13. additional or accompanying

15. When writing a paper, you want to include only this type of information.

17. complete or full

18. to overstress

19. "I feel weak.”


1. for example, from a moun­tain top or the roof of a high- rise building

3. This action can apply to a feeling, a group of people, or a newspaper article.

6. to correct

7. living to be 120, for example

8. putting three partially filled jars of pickles into one jar, for example

9. a cure

11. hard to see

14. opposite of unreliable

16. diverse

17. "I call this meeting to order."

Make Learning Fun

Think about the kinds of activities you like to do, and see if you can incorporate the traits involved in those activities into your learning experiences. If you like group activities (team sports, going to big parties), create study groups. If you like to draw, add visual elements to your notes, draw what happens in a story you read, or make a diagram to help you under­stand a concept. The more you enjoy what you do, whether in school or at work, the more you want to do it. Find the ways to make your life and learning fun.

Mix It Up


Get together with a few classmates to play charades. Use the words below or any of the vocabulary words you want to study. You can write the words on slips of paper and pick them out of a bowl or use your flash cards. One person picks a word, and the other people try to guess what word the person is acting out. You cannot use any words or sounds as you act out the word.