
Active Vocabulary General and Academic Words - Amy E. Olsen 2013



abhor v. to detest; to loathe; to hate

acronym n. a word or abbreviation formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of the words in a name or phrase

adage n. a traditional saying; a proverb

adhere v. 1. to follow closely 2. to give support

3. to stick together

advocate n. a person who supports a cause v. to support or urge; to recommend

affinity n. fondness; attachment; liking

alibi n. an excuse or explanation, especially used to avoid blame

amiable adj. good-natured; agreeable

amorous adj. being in love; passionate

anemia n. a lack of oxygen-carrying material in the blood, which results in weakness

annihilate v. to destroy; to defeat completely

antidote n. 1. something that prevents an unwanted effect; a cure 2. a medicine or other remedy for counteracting the effects of a poison or a disease

antipathy n. an aversion; an opposition in feeling; dislike

apathy n. lack of interest; absence or suppression of emotion or excitement

apparent adj. plain; obvious; open to view

assent v. to agree or concur n. agreement, as to a proposal

asset n. a desirable thing or quality

assurance n. 1. self-confidence; certainty 2. a statement that promotes confidence 3. a pledge or promise

aversion n. 1. a strong dislike of something and a desire to avoid it; hatred 2. a cause or object of such a dislike

avert v. 1. to prevent 2. to tum away or aside


belabor v. to overstress; to explain or work at excessively; to beat

berate v. to scold harshly; to criticize

bewilder v. to confuse, baffle, or puzzle ,


charisma n. a special quality of leadership that inspires devotion; charm; allure

circumspection n. watchfulness; caution; care

circumvent v. 1. to go around 2. to avoid by cleverness; to elude

clandestine adj. secret; private

claustrophobia n. a fear of small or enclosed places

cliche n. a commonplace or overused expression or idea

colloquialism n. an expression used in conversational or informal language, not usually appropriate for formal writing

complement v. to serve as a completion to; to balance or complete n. something that completes or makes up a whole

comprehensive adj. large in content or reach;

complete; full

concise adj. expressing much in a few words; brief

condone v. 1. to forgive or pardon; to excuse

2. to overlook; to ignore something illegal or offensive; to give unstated approval to

confer v. 1. to consult together; to compare views

2. to bestow, such as a degree or honor

consensus n. unity of opinion; agreement; harmony

conservationist n. a person who works to save the environment; an environmentalist

consolidate v. 1. to combine; to unite; to make more compact 2. to make secure or firm; strengthen

convene v. 1. to assemble, usually for a public purpose;

to organize 2. td- summon to appear

coup or coup d'etat n. overthrow of the government; revolt

covert adj. concealed; secret; disguised

credibility n. trustworthiness; believability

cursory adj. going rapidly over something, without noticing details; hasty; superficial


decipher v. to decode; to make out; to make sense of

decisive adj. 1. definite; clear 2. displaying firmness;

determined 3. crucial; important

defer v. 1. to submit to the decision or opinion of someone else; to yield 2. to postpone or delay

deficiency n. lack; shortage

definitive adj. most reliable or complete

defraud v. to take away a right, money, or property by deception; to cheat

delude v. to mislead; to deceive; to fool

dependable adj. trustworthy; responsible

depose v. to remove from an important position or office; to dethrone

discreet adj. careful; cautious

dissent v. to differ in feeling or opinion, especially from the majority n. a difference of opinion

domain n. l. an area of concern; a field 2. a territory of control; a realm

dour adj. dismal; gloomy; forbidding


eclectic adj. selecting from various sources; diverse

edifice n. a building or a structure, usually used when referring to a large or important building

elicit v. to draw or bring out; to obtain

embellish v. 1. to exaggerate; to elaborate; to add details

2. to decorate

emissary n. l. a representative sent on a mission; a delegate 2. an agent sent on a secret mission

enable v. to make possible; to permit

encroachment n. the act of gradually taking over an area or possessions that belong to someone else; an intrusion

endemic adj. natural to a particular area; native

endow v. 1. to furnish; to equip 2. to give money as a donation

endure v. 1. to tolerate; to allow 2. to last

entrepreneur n. one who assumes the risks of a business or enterprise

euphemism n. the substitution of a mild or vague expression for one considered harsh

euphoria n. a feeling of extreme well-being or extreme happiness

exemplify v. to show by example; to model; to represent


facilitate v. to make easier; to assist

figurehead n. a person in a position of leadership who has no real power

finite adj. l. having boundaries; limited 2. existing for a limited time; temporary

frenzied adj. wild; agitated; mad

fruitful adj. successful; abundant


gateway n. l. something that functions as an entrance or point of entry 2. a structure around an entrance that can be shut by a gate

glitch n. a minor malfunction or technical error


habitat n. l. The environment where a plant or animal typically lives; surroundings 2. The place where something or someone is usually found

homonym n. one of two or more words that have the same sound and sometimes the same spelling but differ in meaning


impede v. to block; to hinder

impending adj. 1. about to happen; in the near future;

approaching 2. threatening; looming

implement v. to apply; to put into practice n. a tool or utensil

impose v. to force on others

incredulous adj. skeptical; doubtful; disbelieving

indicate v. 1. to be a sign of; to show the need for; to reveal 2. to point out or point to

infrastructure n. l . foundations countries depend on, such as roads and power plants 2. the basic features of an organization

inhibition n. 1. restraint of a behavior or desire or the condition causing such restraint 2. the act of holding back or blocking

innate adj. 1. possessed at birth 2. possessed as an essential characteristic

intermittent adj. stopping and beginning again; periodic; irregular

intrigue v. to fascinate n. a scheme; a plot

irony n. 1. a clash between what is expected to happen and what really does, often used humorously in literature 2. the use of words to state the opposite of their precise meaning


jovial adj. merry; good-humored; cheerful

judicious adj. wise; having good judgment; careful


lax adj. not strict; careless; loose; vague

liability n. a,disadvantage; an undesirable thing

longevity n. long life; length of life or service


mammal n. warm-blooded vertebrate (animal with a backbone)

mercenary adj. selfish; greedy n. a professional soldier hired to fight in a foreign army

miscalculation n. a mistake in planning or forecasting

misgiving n. a feeling of doubt or distrust

modify v. to change the form of; to vary; to alter partially

moratorium n. suspension of an activity; an end or halt


niche n. 1. an appropriate place or position 2. a recess in a wall for a statue or other decorative object

nurture v. to educate or train n. the act of promoting development or growth; rearing


oblivious adj. unaware; forgetful

obsession n. an idea that excessively occupies the mind;

a fascination

omnipotent adj. having great or unlimited authority or power

omnipresent adj. present everywhere at once

omnivorous adj. eating all types of foods

optimist n. a person who looks on the bright side; one who expects a positive result

optimum adj. most favorable; best n. the best condition or amount for a specific situation

ordeal n. a harsh or trying test or experience

ovation n. applause; approval


pandemonium n. disorder; chaos

panoramic adj. a wide view; scenic or pleasing

pertinent adj. related; important; to the point

phishing n. the practice of luring innocent Internet users to a fake Web site by using real-looking e-mail with the intent to steal personal information or introduce a virus

potential n. the ability for growth or development adj. possible but not yet realized

precise adj. 1. exact; accurate; definite 2. strictly correct; demanding

presentiment n. a feeling that something is about to happen, especially something bad; foreboding; expectation

proliferate v. to increase in number; spread rapidly; to grow

prominent adj. well known; leading; notable

propensity n. a tendency; a leaning; a preference

protocol n. 1. a code of correct behavior; the etiquette diplomats follow 2. a plan for a medical treatment or scientific experiment 3. computer science: a standard method for controlling data transmission between computers

provocative adj. stimulating; exciting; troubling


realm n. 1. a territory ruled by a king or queen; an empire 2. an area of interest, knowledge, or activity

rectify v. to correct; to put right; to fix

regime n. government; period of time that a person or political system is in power

resourceful adj. able to deal skillfully with new situations; capable; inventive

resume, resume,or resume n. a brief document of skills and experiences prepared by a job applicant; a summary

revitalize v. to renew; to invigorate; to refresh


scrutinize v. to examine carefully, especially looking for errors; to inspect

seclusion n. solitude; a sheltered or isolated place

seminar n. a meeting or class for discussion of a specific subject

serenity n. peacefulness; tranquility

spam n. junk e-mail; unasked for e-mail, often advertis­ing, sent to multiple individuals u 1. to send unwanted e-mail 2. to send to multiple individuals n. (capital S) a canned meat product made mainly from pork

subjugate v. to conquer; to master; to dominate

submissive adj. obedient; passive

subtle adj. 1. not obvious; hard to see; slight 2. difficult to understand; clever

supplementary adj. additional; extra; accompanying

suppress v. 1. to deliberately inhibit an impulse or action; to repress 2. to abolish; to conquer 3. to withhold from publication; to censor

surpass v. to go beyond; to excel; to be superior to

susceptible adj. open to an influence; sensitive

synopsis n. a brief statement that gives a general idea; a summary


terminology n. the study of terms for particular subjects; the terms belonging to a specialized subject; vocabulary

transformation n. 1. the act of changing 2. something that has been changed

transitory adj. not lasting; temporary

traumatic adj. 1. psychologically painful; shocking; disturbing 2. relating to or causing a wound


undergo v. 1. to experience; to feel 2. to endure; to suffer

underlying adj. 1. basic; original 2. concealed but detectable 3. lying beneath something

undermine v. 1. to weaken or damage (such as health or morale) by small stages 2. to weaken or cause to collapse by removing basic supports; to dig or tunnel beneath

urban adj. 1. concerned with a city 2. typical of a city or city life


validity n. 1. authenticity; legal soundness 2. strength; authority

venture n. a business enterprise; an undertaking involving risk v. to brave; to take the risk of

virile adj. masculine; manly; strong

virtual adj. 1. created or run by a computer; simulated 2. almost existing; near; practical 3. existing in the mind


wrest v. to extract or take through force or continuous effort


zealous adj. enthusiastic; eager; passionate

zenith n. the highest point; the peak; the top

zoology n. the study of animals, including their behavior and development

Create your own flash cards

Using flash cards can be an immensely helpful way to study vocabulary words. The process of making the flash cards will aid you in remembering the meanings of the words. Index cards work well as flash cards, or you may use the following flash card templates to get you started. Put the word and the pronunciation on the front of the card. Elements you may want to include on the back of the card will vary according to the word and your preferred learning style. Consider the ideas below and find what works best for you.

1. The part of speech: Write an abbreviation for the part of speech, such as n. for noun or v. for verb. This addition will help when you are writing sentences.

2. A simple definition: Use the definitions in the book or modify them to something that has meaning for you. Use a definition you can remember.

3. A sentence: Make up your own sentence that correctly uses the word. Try to use a context clue to help you remember the word. It might help to put yourself or friends in the sentences to personalize your use of the word. If you really like a sentence from the book, you can use that too.

4. A drawing: If you are a visual learner, try drawing the word. Some words especially lend them­selves to this method. Your drawing doesn’t have to be fancy; it should just help you remember. the meaning of the word.

5. A mnemonic [ni mon' ik] device: These are methods to help your memory. They can be rhymes, formulas, or clues. For example: Stationery with an e is the kind that goes in an envelope. Make up any connections you can between the word and its meaning.

6. Highlight word parts: Circle one or more word parts (prefixes, roots, or suffixes) that appear in the word and write the meaning(s) next to the word part: for example, . See the Word Parts chapters in the text for more on word parts.

Whatever you do, make the cards personally meaningful. Find the techniques that work for you, and use them in creating your cards. Then make the time to study the cards. Carry them with you, and study them any chance you get. Also, find someone who will be tough in quizzing you with the cards. Have the person hold up a card, and you give the meaning and use the word in a sentence. Don’t quit until you are confident that you know what each word means.

Make Your Own Word Maps

Making a word map is a great way to visualize the meaning, synonym, and antonym for a word. By creat­ing the map, you become more familiar with different aspects of the word. You can find the synonyms and antonyms in a dictionary or thesaurus, in some of the Word Lists or Self-Tests in this text, or come up with your own. To test yourself using a word map, cover one or more of the circles around the vocabulary word; then state the information in the covered circle(s). Another method is to cover the vocabulary word to see if you can identify the word using the meaning, synonym, and antonym. You can also ask a friend or classmate to cover up the information and quiz you on the word maps.

For some words, you may want to use one (or more) of the options below if it will help you better understand and remember the meaning of the word:

1. Write more than one synonym or antonym.

2. Put the part of speech under the vocabulary word.

3. Include a circle that gives an example of someone or something that applies to the word, such as who would do or use it.

4. Choose different colors for the meaning, synonym, and antonym, and outline or fill in the circle in those colors.

To get started, you can photocopy the templates in this text or use a blank sheet of paper to make your word maps. Examples that illustrate the options using an adjective, verb, and noun follow.

Synonym: left circle     Antonym: right circle

Vocabulary word: center circle    Meaning: bottom circle

Note: For some nouns it may be tricky to find an antonym. If it becomes too difficult to find or think of one, don't stress about it.

Word maps

Word list