Chapter 23. Review - Part V. Careers

Interactive Vocabulary - Amy E. Olsen 2017

Chapter 23. Review
Part V. Careers

Focus on Chapters 20-22

The following activities give you the opportunity to further interact with the vocabulary words you've been learning. By taking tests, answering questions, using visuals, doing a crossword puzzle, and working with others, you will see which words you know well and which ones need additional study.


Image 1 For Set One, match each term with its synonym. For Set Two, match each term with its antonym.


Set One

1. malady   a. view

2. formulate   b. illness

3. perspective  c. theory

4. genesis   d. develop

5. hypothesis  e. beginning


Set Two

6. irrational    f. unhappiness

7. bliss     g. preventable

8. methodical     h. logical

9. affirm     i. careless

10. inevitable    j. reject

Image 2 Pick the word that best completes the sentence.

1. My brother is a ...; he is always dreaming up creative ideas.

a. visionary  b. genesis  c. malady  d. specimen

2. Verda collected a variety of plant ... on her trip down the Amazon.

a. aspects  b. specimens c. colleagues d. perspectives

3. When I am sad, I pick up a book my grandfather gave me when I was ten and read the message he ... in it.

a. wavered  b. affirmed  c. inscribed d. interpreted

4. My ... that people would like foods they said they didn't when they couldn't see what they were eating turned out to be incorrect after I did experiments with blindfolded participants.

a. hypothesis  b. tenure  c. visionary d. bliss

5. The candidate never ..., and after months of campaigning, she finally won the election.

a. formulated  b. attained  c. lavished  d. wavered

6. The ... for our vacation plans came from a movie we saw that was filmed in Mongolia.

a. bliss   b. malady  c. genesis  d. hypothesis

7. I enjoyed the literature class. We learned different methods to ... an author's meaning.

a. weary   b. interpret  c. formulate d. lavish

8. My ... at the company was short. I didn't get along with the boss, and I disliked the way the clients were treated.

a. aspect   b. colleague c. perspective d. tenure

Image 3 Complete the following sentences using the vocabulary words. Use each word once.






1. It was refreshing to see the ... children running through a sprinkler on such a hot day.

2. My biology professor said it was ... for anyone to get a perfect score on one of his tests. I was so proud of myself!

3. After attending four classes—all with tests—I was exhausted. My roommate said I looked like a ... traveler back from a trek across the desert.

4. When I sent my cousin the recipe for my favorite cake, it made sense to put the directions in ... order.

5. Shonali is definitely ... in math. She has won every math competition the college has held in the three years she has been here.

Image 4 Complete the following sentences by supplying the appropriate word from the Vocabulary List and pairing it with the correct ending from the Word Ending List. You will use each word once, but the word endings more than once. You may need to drop the final "e" to spell some of the words correctly.


1. I will be ... my degree this May after five years of studying. I am proud of all the work I have done to achieve my goal.

2. Though Tabitha has had to miss the last three board meetings, she ... her com­mitment to the club by volunteering to head our annual fundraiser.

3. When I started my biology class, I was afraid to dissect the ..., but now I find that I am learning a lot by studying the insides of animals.

4. I am suspicious because my boyfriend has been ... attention on me for the last week. I wonder why he is being so caring.

5. I went to a 50th anniversary party last week, and the host gave his wife a block of marble ... with the lines from her favorite love poem. It was a very romantic gesture.

6. My ... were so kind to hold a baby shower for me. Everyone in the office chipped in to buy a fancy stroller.

7. For the last three years, Marvin has been ... a plan on how to live and work in Chile for a few years. It is now time to make his plan happen.

8. One of the ... of travel that I most enjoy is meeting people from different places.

Image 5 Fill in the missing word part, and circle the meaning of the word part found in each question. One word uses two word parts.








1. I enjoy having lunch with my ... leagues. We always have a good time together.

2. After he ran out of the burning house, the man began acting ...ration... . He kept screaming, and when asked about anything relating to the fire, his responses did not make sense.

3. It was unpre ...ented for anyone in my family to go to college, so when I gradu­ated nearly thirty family members came to the ceremony.

4. My month has been so hect... that I have started paying attention to any ads relating to spa treatments, yoga, or other relaxation methods.

5. I am looking forward to a ...genial evening of chatting with friends while sipping cocoa by the fireside.

6. When I got a C on a test, my friend helped me put it in perspect... . I thought it was the end of the world, but he calmed me down. He noted that after all our years together if he is good at performing an action, it is knowing how to soothe me when I get upset.

Image 6 Finish the story using the vocabulary words below. Use each word once.

Vocabulary list

aspect  attain  inaccurate  compatible  jubilant

lavish  maladies formulate  vital   wavered

A Quiet Place

Many people seem to want to take (1)... vacations where they stay in luxury hotels and eat at fancy res­taurants every night. That kind of trip isn't (2)... with my interests or

personality. I (3)... more joy from quiet, natural settings. That is why I was (4)... when my husband surprised me with a weekend at a cabin on the coast. I was impressed by the beauty of the area. It was a place that stimulated my mind and revived my spirits. I especially loved taking walks along the quiet beach where I could leisurely (5)... ideas for my next project. A peacefol setting is a(n) (6)... I always appreciate in a vacation.


One of the (7)... of the current age is the need many people have to continually be connected to electronics, from computers to televisions. I find it (8)... to have time

to myself for quiet reflection away from modern devices. I particularly consider beautiful surround­ings the opportune places for thinking. My love of nature has never (9)... despite other changes in my life. I have always taken the time to explore natural settings whether I lived near an ocean, a river, a desert, or a mountain range. Every environment inspires me in some way. It might sound like I hate technology, but I don't. In fact, it would be (10)... to say I dislike technology. I definitely value it, but I also believe in having some unplugged time. Our weekend at the coast was one of those times that helped to empower me by allowing me relax.

Interactive Exercise

Image Answer the folfowing questions to further test your understanding of the vocabulary words.

1. What are two things that can make a day hectic?

2. What are three situations that tend to make people irrational?

3. What kind of material is best arranged in chronological order?

4. What are two topics of conversation that would make you weary?

5. When people are on vacation, what are two situations that are inevitable?

6. What are three activities that fill you with bliss?

7. Do you consider yourself a methodical person? Explain why or why not.

8. In what subjects or skills do you consider yourself proficient?

9. What two skills are vital for a successful student to have?

10. What are two situations where someone should try to be congenial?


Image Associations

Use four words from the list below to write four sentences that compare or contrast the two photo­graphs. Write the words you want to use on the middle lines. This exercise calls on your creative- and critical-thinking skills to make associations between the photos and words. Add words endings (i.e., -s, -ing, -ed, -ly) as needed.

Vocabulary list

affirm  aspect  attain  compatible formulate

hectic  inaccurate  interpret  jubilant  lavish

methodical perspective tenure  visionary  vital


Both photos show items where it is vital to pay attention in order to successfolly deal with them. (Comparison)

It would make me jubilant to walk through a peaceful vineyard, but I would not be thrilled having to navigate such a twisty road. (Contrast)


Your sentences: ...




1.I know I said I would, but now I'm not sure.

3. origin or beginning

7. step one, step two, step three, etc.

8. cancer, depression, or anorexia, as examples

10. well-matched

11. feeling after a twelve-hour work day

13. might be done in a book or on a ring

16. exceptional or first-time

17. for example, death and taxes

18. the world is flat, the sun rises in the west, as examples

19. Ahhhh! This is the life.


2. imaginative or a prophet

4. achieve

5. the opposite of unskilled

6. theory

9. co-worker

10. friendly; pleasant

12. After twenty years in office, I am leaving in June.

14. sample

15. to explain the meaning of

Use the following words to complete the crossword puzzle. Use each word once.

Vocabulary list

attain  compatible inaccurate malady unprecedented

bliss  congenial inevitable proficient visionary

chronological genesis  inscribe specimen waver

colleague   hypothesis interpret tenure weary


A World of Words

Keep your eyes open for new words. You will certainly encounter new words in the textbooks you read in college and in the lectures your professors give, but new words can be found every­where. Don't turn off your learning when you leave the classroom. When you see a new word in the newspaper or on a poster or even in a fortune cookie, use the strategies you have learned in this book: look for context clues around the new word, try to predict the meaning, and check the dictionary if you aren't sure of the meaning. No matter where you are or what age you may be, your vocabulary can continue to grow.

Mix It Up

Image Motivating with Music

If you enjoy music, select some of your favorite tunes and get together with four or five classmates to see how music can aid in learning. Besides the music, you will need something to play it on, paper, and pens.

Decide which words you want to study. If you are reviewing several chap­ters, each person should pick different vocabulary words to use so the group can cover more of the words. While the music plays, write a story that the music inspires using six or seven of the words to be studied (you may choose to write six or seven sentences each using a vocabulary word instead of writing a story). The ideas for the story or sentences may come from the tone of the music or the thoughts expressed in a song's lyrics. Read your stories or sentences to each other, and discuss the ideas the music brought out in relation to the vocabulary words. It is interesting to hear the similarities and differences the music inspires within the group. To review more words, pick another piece of music and do the activity again.

Classical music works well for this activity, but pick any style of music that you feel will stimu­late your brain. Have fan exploring how music, writing, and learning vocabulary can be creatively combined.
