Set (14) - Please do and get me off the hook!

Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019

Set (14) - Please do and get me off the hook!


Diana: You're clueless about how to deal with your new assignment.

Aren’t you?

Anne: Yeah. I’m completely helpless.

Diana: Never mind, I’ll work overtime and show you the ropes. I know this type of things inside out. Or probably I can take over tomorrow.

Anne: Please do and get me off the hook!

Diana: Well; I have got a full plate today. I’ll give you a hand tomorrow. Okay?

Anne: Thanks Diana. You’ve truly saved the day!


Clueless: no nothing about

Deal with: to take action to do something, especially to solve a problem.

Never mind: not to worry or not to be upset about something.

Overtime: extra hours that someone works at their job.

Show someone the ropes: to teach someone how to do something.

Know something inside out: know something very thoroughly.

Take over: to begin to have control of something.

Get someone off the hook: to get out of the awkward or unpleasant situation that they are in.

Have a full plate: o have a schedule or workload that is filled to capacity with obligations, tasks, or problems.

Save the day: find or provide a solution to a difficulty or disaster.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate expressions;


deal with

never mind


show someone the ropes

save the day

know something inside out

take over

get someone off the hook

have a full plate

a. He was doing a lot of .......... to save for his vacation.

b. They resent any hint that he will be .......... because of his privileged position.

c. The new president is certainly going to .......... when he gets into office.

d. They had forgotten the knife to cut the wedding cake, but Elizabeth arrived with one and ..........

e. We must .......... the situation before it gets out of hand.

f. If you study this material for weeks, you'll .......... by the test date.

g. He will .......... the project from me when I go on leave.

h. The kids were so perceptive at one moment and .......... the next.

i. Jack has been here for years - he'll ..........

j. I want to get this for your kids, .......... the cost!