Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019

Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019


Set (1) - I’ve swallowed the bait

Set (2) - Let bygones be bygones

Set (3) - Live within your means

Set (4) - Fed up with cutting corners

Set (5) - He should crack the whip

Set (6) - I just couldn’t put up with those silly pranks

Set (7) - She’s a whistleblower

Set (8) - All I need is a bit more leeway

Set (9) - Determination pays off

Set (10) - They must be bugging us!

Set (11) - They can serve a purpose

Set (12) - University is a thing of the past!

Set (13) - Quit keeping up with the Joneses

Set (14) - Please do and get me off the hook!

Set (15) - You mean she was pulling my leg!

Set (16) - This is a hard pill to swallow

Set (17) - It seems to have vanished into thin air!

Set (18) - I’ve already greased his palm

Set (19) - Thinking out of the box pays dividends!

Set (20) - It’s worth giving it your best shot!

Set (21) - You guys ’ve gone too far this time!

Set (22) - Do you think I’m jumping the gun?

Set (23) - Let’s jump at the chance

Set (24) - Let’s not waste our breath

Set (25) - Here we go again!

Set (26) - I did, but they turned a blind eye to it!

Set (27) - You’re such a high-maintenance woman!

Set (28) - That’s nothing but smoke and mirrors

Set (29) - She deserves a pat on the back

Set (30) - My holiday plans fell apart

Set (31) - I beg to differ

Set (32) - Don’t knock yourself out

Set (33) - I was breaking up a fight!

Set (34) - This rat race is getting me down

Set (35) - The pay is well worth it

Set (36) - I need to brush up on some of them

Set (37) - I’m doomed to learn it the hard way!

Set (38) - I wasn’t able to get through

Set (39) - I’m not that strong-willed!

Set (40) - Our company is footing the bill

Set (41) - You’re fiddling while Rome burns

Set (42) - Dad's illness turned out to be a blessing in disguise

Set (43) - That’s beside the point!

Set (44) - She’s feeding you lies

Set (45) - Does this stand to reason?

Set (46) - Appearances are deceiving!

Set (47) - Why don’t we track them down?

Set (48) - She gave me a cold shoulder!

Set (49) - Who filled you in on that?

Set (50) - They aren’t on the same wavelength

Set (51)- Assuming responsibility is easier said than done

Set (52) - It's a bit of a stretch

Set (53) - Just what the doctor ordered

Set (54) - Nothing but a counter attack can save the day!

Set (55) - It takes two to tango

Set (56) - The sunshine today is just the ticket

Set (57) - Go figure!

Set (58) - Way to go!

Set (59) - It could be right under your nose!

Set (60) - I can kiss it goodbye now!

Set (61) - You just cut to the chase!

Set (62) - The hustle and bustle of cities

Set (63) - It’s time to turn over a new leaf!

Set (64) - Let’s not take it to heart anyway!

Set (65) - I've been whistling a different tune!

Set (66) - Nib it in the bud

Set (67) - Don't rub it in!

Set (68) - He’s only a freeloader

Set (69)-None had the backbone to stand up to him

Set (70) - At least to save face

Set (71) - Getting me down against my will!

Set (72) - Kill them with your kindness

Set (73) - He’s panic-stricken after he got a sideswipe!

Set (74) - He dwells on unnecessary stuff

Set (75) - Can’t you put it off?

Set (76) - 30 lashes with a wet noodle

Set (77)- What do you make out of it?

Set (78) - We have to tap into the key problems

Set (79) - Let’s split the difference

Set (80) - You took the words right out of my mouth!

Set (81) - I had better back out of this commitment

Set (82) - Hold yourself together!

Set (83) - Tell me about it!

Set (84) - You double-crosser! Quit playing with fire

Set (85) - Enough of these prompt replies!

Set (86) - I’m kicking myself for leaving her

Set (87) - He’s getting hold of the wrong end of the stick!

Set (88) - Should we sleep on this as well?

Set (89) - Better late than never

Set (90) - Where is the common sense in that?

Set (91) - You’re barking up the wrong tree, dude!

Set (92)- I was on the edge of my seat all along!

Set (93) - Put your best foot forward

Set (94) - This time they will sink or swim

Set (95) - It's either feast or famine!

Set (96) - Stop milking it for heaven’s sake!

Set (97) - One swallow doesn't make a summer!

Set (98) - He doesn’t want to play the game

Set (99) - A big fish in a small pond!

Set (100) - It’s a dog-eat-dog world
