Set (26) - I did, but they turned a blind eye to it!

Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019

Set (26) - I did, but they turned a blind eye to it!


Steven: Here we go again — another train cancelled. This is getting ridiculous!

Peter: Why don’t we make a complaint to the city council? Typically, it takes the bus ages to get to the stop let alone the cancellations. Not only this, but the buses are all out of date.

Steven: I did, but they turned a blind eye to it every time. And to crown it all =, I was warned not to falsify the facts once more.

Peter: That’s ridiculous. We had better see the mayor.

Steven: The who? He’s such a grumpy man. Forget about it.


Typically; in most cases; usually.

Take ages: to take a long time

Let alone: not to mention.

Out of date: (adj) old-fashioned.

Turn a blind eye to it: to ignore something that you know is wrong.

To crown it all: to make things worse.

Falsify the facts: to give a false representation of the facts.

Grumpy: bad-tempered and irritable.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate expressions;


take ages

let alone

out of date

turn a blind eye to

to crown it all

falsify the facts


a. Regulators .......... those infractions, and thousands of consumers suffered for it.

b. Sam is as .......... as ever as he contends with unrequited feelings.

c. It rained, it snowed, and, .........., our flight was canceled.

d. Everything in her wardrobe must be hopelessly ..........

e. David lit up many gatherings with his .......... forthright comments.

f. It’s the worst cover up I have ever seen - you're ..........

g. Whenever we're going to a party, it .......... my wife to get ready.

h. He was incapable of leading a bowling team, .......... a country